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" In a box not a bottle" Asperger's revealed


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According to the National Institutes of Health, in children referred for learning difficulties, around 43% have Auditory Processing Disorder (APD).  In addition, 25% of all children tested for learning disabilities were found to have coexisting APD and dyslexia. Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Disorder share many of the same symptoms, but they are different disorders.

What is the difference in Auditory Processing Disorder and Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability often associated with slow or inaccurate reading, poor spelling, poor writing, or mixing up similar words.Individuals with developmental dyslexia have an abnormality in the word analysis pathways that interfere with their ability to convert written words into spoken words. Research suggests that developmental dyslexia may be too complex to be explained by just one causal factor. Theories have suggested different cognitive subtypes, and there can be multiple causal factors within each dyslexic individual. There is considerable research evidence that the core deficit in many children with developmental dyslexia is a phonological processing deficit. This contributes to difficulty understanding the way words are made up of sounds (phonemes) and how these sounds are mapped onto their written counterparts (graphemes). Phonological processing problems in individuals with dyslexia are related to 1) a weakness in phonological awareness (understanding sounds and oral language patterns within words), 2) phonological memory (holding on to speech-based information in short-term memory), and/or 3) rapid automatized naming (quickly identifying and naming a series of common stimuli such as letters, numbers, colors, or objects).  This often shows up in the subtests of the reading and writing assessments.

Auditory Processing Disorder is an abnormality in the processing of sound in the central auditory nervous system.  This causes a breakdown in the brain’s ability to accurately and efficiently process sounds and language. This can make it hard to distinguish small sound differences within words, remember what was heard, and keep up with ongoing speech, especially when there is background noise or when more than one person is talking. Children with APD also tend to say “what?’ or “huh” frequently even when they seem to be paying attention.  Asking for repetition of what was heard does not have anything to do with reading or spelling but it is a big red flag that the child is having difficulty processing spoken language.

Dyslexia evaluations typically include intellectual and academic achievement testing. Sometimes receptive (listening) and expressive language skills may be assessed as part of a dyslexia evaluation as well. However, a dyslexia evaluation does not test children for auditory processing disorder. Dyslexia is typically diagnosed by psychologists, psychometrists, or speech-language pathologists. To rule out auditory processing disorder, a child must be evaluated by an audiologist specializing in the assessment of the central auditory nervous system. While other professionals such as psychologists, psychometrists, speech-language pathologists, or occupational therapists may suspect an individual has auditory processing weaknesses from interacting with the child or administering screening instruments, an audiologist is the only professional whose scope of practice is to evaluate the central auditory nervous system and diagnose or rule out an auditory processing disorder.

Since there are different types of APD, the prevalence found in children with dyslexia will vary depending on the specific tests used and the auditory processing skills measured. Areas of auditory processing that are most likely to show performance deficits in individuals with dyslexia include temporal/timing sequencing of information (as assessed by pitch pattern tests and tests using quick changes in sounds), auditory figure ground problems (as assessed by different speech in noise tests) and interaural asymmetry in competition (as assessed by dichotic listening tests). Other deficits may appear in some dyslexic children, but in the majority of dyslexic children, these are the primary areas where weaknesses will be found.

Overlooking an auditory processing disorder can lead to years of extra reading instruction working around an underlying problem. While many symptoms of dyslexia overlap with auditory processing disorders, children with APD have difficulty with spelling and learning to read due to their inability to hear speech sounds clearly.  Phonological awareness skills (recognizing the sound units that make up words) are often poor in children with Auditory Processing Disorder stemming from the breakdown of sound processing in the central auditory nervous system. Research in brain imaging studies and auditory evoked potentials (brain wave responses to sound) has documented that impairments in the neural encoding of acoustic elements crucial for differentiating consonants (such as subtle pitch and timing differences in speech sounds) contributes to the poor consonant differentiation and phonological skills seen in children with reading impairments.  Since Auditory Processing Disorder affects the ability to distinguish similar-sounding sounds, this in turn, affects a child’s ability to learn how letters represent those sounds. For example, when the teacher says “bat”, sometimes they hear “bat” but sometimes they may they hear “dat,” “bap,” “gat,” “vat,” “back,” or “pat.” So when asked to spell “bat” they may write “dat.” Since children with APD often confuse what letters sound like, they can have trouble associating a specific sound with a specific letter (i.e. b = “buh” not “duh”) because they hear that letter pronounced differently every time.  Phonological awareness activities such as manipulating sounds in words will also be difficult. For example, when asked to say “me” and then say the word again changing the “mmm” sound to “nnn” they may have trouble because they do not consistently hear the difference in these sounds.

It is important to consider how much success in school relies upon receiving an intact auditory message.  If the earlier parts of the auditory pathways are not sending along the correct signals, the higher-level language functions can be compromised. Therefore, undiagnosed APD can lead to academic problems and limit progress in other therapies targeted at remediating language and/or reading disorders.

Treatment differs for auditory processing disorder versus dyslexia, so it is important that a correct diagnosis is made, and coexisting conditions be identified so that appropriate intervention can be obtained. The treatment needed for auditory processing disorder will differ based on each child’s specific auditory processing deficits.  Individuals with dyslexia need intensive dyslexia therapy that utilizes a multisensory Orton Gillingham based reading program that breaks the language down and teaches the reader to decode based on syllable types and spelling rules.

The comparison chart below can be useful when comparing symptoms of APD and dyslexia.  If a child with dyslexia also has symptoms in the column associated with auditory processing disorder, APD testing is strongly recommended. Working around an underlying auditory processing problem can make it difficult to make good progress with dyslexia therapy.

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)Dyslexia

Difficulty processing soundDifficulty manipulating languageeither verbally and/or when reading and spelling

Difficulty recognizing subtle differences in sounds (i.e hearing the difference in short -i- and short -e- )Difficulty with phonological processingand may also have problems with larger units of sounds (i.e identifying the number of words and syllables)

Difficulty distinguishingbetween verbally presented sounds or words. May hear feesinstead of flees, poorinstead of pour, or pig instead of big.Difficulty manipulatingsounds in words. Change the “p” in “pig”to “b” and you get the word “big.” Remove the “l” from fleas and you get “fees“

May have difficulty with spelling, reading, and understanding information presented verballyMay have difficulty with spelling, reading, and understanding information presented in print

May have difficulty understandingstories heard unless they are brief and have illustrations.Good understandingof stories read aloud to them.

Fatigue easily when listeningFatigue easily when reading

Need more time to process information heardDifficulty processing what they read

Difficulty following directions orallyDifficulty following written directions

Spelling errors tend to be omissions or the wrong sound (i.e blump/blunt)May spell words phoneticallybut far from being correct (i.e. frens/friends)

Research shows that personal remote microphone systems such as a Roger Focus system are beneficial for both children with APD and children with dyslexia.  These systems send the teacher’s voice directly to tiny earpieces worn by the child.  This results in improved clarity and an immediate ease in listening.  


My son has both . 

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Autism is Proof you can have language but not always understand:

My son in the vet office: I need cat food
Staff: do you have a membership?
Son: what? I just need cat food
Staff: do your pets come here?
Son: I just need cat food
Staff: Would you like a membership?
Son: Look, I just NEED cat food can I pay for it? 
Staff: can I get information first 

child comes to the car with bag of cat food : that woman was Charlie Brown’s teacher! Wha wha wha wha ( using echolalia to explain)
Me: What?
Son: I had no clue what the heck she was talking about I just wanted to cat food just give it to me. The rest is extraneous things I don’t need to know. I don’t even know what the heck she was babbling about.

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On 4/12/2021 at 2:01 PM, Seraphim said:

Autism is Proof you can have language but not always understand:

My son in the vet office: I need cat food
Staff: do you have a membership?
Son: what? I just need cat food
Staff: do your pets come here?
Son: I just need cat food
Staff: Would you like a membership?
Son: Look, I just NEED cat food can I pay for it? 
Staff: can I get information first 

child comes to the car with bag of cat food : that woman was Charlie Brown’s teacher! Wha wha wha wha ( using echolalia to explain)
Me: What?
Son: I had no clue what the heck she was talking about I just wanted to cat food just give it to me. The rest is extraneous things I don’t need to know. I don’t even know what the heck she was babbling about.

He was right though!


Everyone secretly gets sick of that bs! I often feel like some autistic people just out right say what we all would like too! 


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56 minutes ago, mylolita said:

He was right though!


Everyone secretly gets sick of that bs! I often feel like some autistic people just out right say what we all would like too! 


Absolutely , my son is very direct , no extraneous bs at all. I fight the urge to be less direct all the time. I spend a lot of time talking myself into being more socially “ correct” . 

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7 hours ago, Seraphim said:

Absolutely , my son is very direct , no extraneous bs at all. I fight the urge to be less direct all the time. I spend a lot of time talking myself into being more socially “ correct” . 

This is extremely true, and something I am taught every time when I interact with my mums cousin who is also autistic! I just love talking too him! It’s so refreshing Seraphim and also he has a great sense of humour! 


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3 hours ago, mylolita said:

This is extremely true, and something I am taught every time when I interact with my mums cousin who is also autistic! I just love talking too him! It’s so refreshing Seraphim and also he has a great sense of humour! 


Well, many see no point in the “ fluff” that make neurotypical people happy. My son is hilarious as well. Sometimes though you have to know what he is referencing. He will often use movie lines to make a joke which is a form of echolalia. 

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1 minute ago, Seraphim said:

Well, many see no point in the “ fluff” that make neurotypical people happy. My son is hilarious as well. Sometimes though you have to know what he is referencing. He will often use movie lines to make a joke which is a form of echolalia. 

🤣 Brilliant!


I realise us boring brained people can’t often keep up!



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Success!!!!!! Yesterday our son was accepted for the disability tax credit (DTC) from birth to indefinite!!!! After 2 denials we finally have success!!! This means we never have to reapply. His provincial designation is also permanent. He is now determined federally and provincially to be 90% or markedly disabled under mental cognition or lack of ability to live on his own and advanced social support needs . 

They will reassess 10 years of my husband’s income tax payments since he is the higher income earner.  They owe me 3 years of the child disability credit, and we get the caregiver credit. 

Guys, I won’t lie, I was sobbing on the floor when when we got the news.  My husband got an email that the CRA ( Canada revenue agency )had made their judgement and were mailing us a letter . He has an online account we looked at the credits sections and saw he was accepted from birth to indefinite!!! I immediately burst out sobbing and running around. I immediately called my mom and my best friend and sat crying on the floor. My son was like what the hell mom, what is going on? But the enormity of the financial pay back and enormous good this will do for his life he doesn’t have full knowledge of . 

My SIL and MIL had just arrived to pick up my son to have him for 5 days they thought I was nuts until they knew what happened … lol. 

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