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" In a box not a bottle" Asperger's revealed


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Awesome!!! Because they really are very meticulous.


My son was doing some volunteer stuff packing some candies into a bag for an event and there about six of us doing it. Without even barely glancing at a bag he could tell if a certain candy was missed. They really are very meticulous and very detail oriented.

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Have you had people say things to you like, "Don't listen to those doctors, he is a smart kid"? I try to explain to them that intellectual disability is not the same as a developmental one. But it ls like talking to walls. Then I say I don't yet know if he has any intellectual disabilities/learning disabilities, it is too early for that to be determined. I'm like you don't understand, ASD does not mean intellectually challenged. ID CAN be a comorbid disability as well as LD but it's not the same thing. Then I just give up because I don't think they get it.


I know they mean no harm, but it's frustrating to try to explain.

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Have you had people say things to you like, "Don't listen to those doctors, he is a smart kid"? I try to explain to them that intellectual disability is not the same as a developmental one. But it ls like talking to walls. Then I say I don't yet know if he has any intellectual disabilities/learning disabilities, it is too early for that to be determined. I'm like you don't understand, ASD does not mean intellectually challenged. ID CAN be a comorbid disability as well as LD but it's not the same thing. Then I just give up because I don't think they get it.


I know they mean no harm, but it's frustrating to try to explain.


Yup , ALL THE TIME. I have to keep telling people that intellectual disability and developmental disability are not the same. And it really burns my butt that their IQ ability is judged by an average IQ test. And they told me it is very hard to judge him. Because he's about 115 in some parts of the IQ test and 93 in others. But the 93 is where the IQ is critical. So they just put him at low average which in many cases is not true.


R does have learning disabilities though which are entirely related to ASD though. He has dysgraphia ,written communication disability and some disability related to math. However , looking at his online chatter yesterday he is getting along jus fine. The ladies are finding him cool in the " geek " sites.

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So, I almost never check my son's online activity since he turned 18. Yesterday I gave a look. It appears he is in a lot of chat forums for Yu-Gi-Oh! , Pokémon and different cards and games. Looks like the ladies are digging him. And he is digging them. But more important is his written communication is really coming along!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My son has become very successful at turn taking and realizing that you don't win all the time. Usually here in town he does win a lot of competitions but as he says his competitors are always the same and he knows what they are going to do . But he likes branching out to other cities because it's new competitors and he can learn that way . He went today with his dad but called later because he was out of the competition rather early . I asked him why and he said well mom I got completely destroyed . Destroyed I tell you . I asked him if it made him feel bad and he said why would I feel bad that makes no sense . I know you can't win all the time and at everything . I have no reason to feel upset .


many people never learn this lesson and he has .

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My boyfriend plays in card tournaments (not Yu-Gi-Oh, he plays Magic: The Gathering) and you wouldn't believe the 30 and 40-something year old adults who get all angry and salty when he wins against them. K is not a sore winner or loser - these people just can't handle losing and they get VERY angry and rude to him. It's only a few adults like that but really, it's amazing. Very important skill to have to say "Hey, it's just a game, I had fun, that's what matters".

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My boyfriend plays in card tournaments (not Yu-Gi-Oh, he plays Magic: The Gathering) and you wouldn't believe the 30 and 40-something year old adults who get all angry and salty when he wins against them. K is not a sore winner or loser - these people just can't handle losing and they get VERY angry and rude to him. It's only a few adults like that but really, it's amazing. Very important skill to have to say "Hey, it's just a game, I had fun, that's what matters".


Exactly ,it's a very important skill that translates into a lot of areas of your life . And I'm glad he has learned it. Only one time he came home rather angry and that is because somebody through the tournament on purpose . He was two cards away from winning and this person threw the tournament to avoid him winning . Then he was angry because the person was being an a hole . But if it's a good clean competition he is fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Wow, autism means lack of moral fibre? ????????????


When people don't understand something they fear it. It's why we fear death, why we fear break ups, why we fear...so many things.


It wasn't that long ago that people that didn't act exactly the same as everyone else were locked up. The general public didn't have exposure to anyone on the spectrum. Healers would claim to cure these "ailments" by exorcism.


When I was 12, I was told my ADHD was the devil inside me.


This might be why I'm atheist now actually lol. I know you're not, and I respect that but there are some friggen loonies in religions that really kill it for others.


As we learn more about the spectrum, as we learn that it's science and not folklore (and something scary), we will become not just tolerant but embracing. It will take time.

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When people don't understand something they fear it. It's why we fear death, why we fear break ups, why we fear...so many things.


It wasn't that long ago that people that didn't act exactly the same as everyone else were locked up. The general public didn't have exposure to anyone on the spectrum. Healers would claim to cure these "ailments" by exorcism.


When I was 12, I was told my ADHD was the devil inside me.


This might be why I'm atheist now actually lol. I know you're not, and I respect that but there are some friggen loonies in religions that really kill it for others.


As we learn more about the spectrum, as we learn that it's science and not folklore (and something scary), we will become not just tolerant but embracing. It will take time.

Yeah but I saw that kind of quoted by an ABA therapist . That kind of pissed me off because what a way to destroy autistic people . If they believe that about autistic people they have no bloody business working with them at all . I think sometimes though people don't even know what they're saying is discriminatory . A lot of people with neuro differences are discriminated against and really kind of terrorized every day . And you're right we need to increase knowledge .


I am sorry faraday, that you had to endure that scary experience . You would think that we had progressed from neuro

differences being a devil .

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