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My Journey back to me....and happiness.


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Mmm HappyBear!! Sounds yummy!!


All is well. Staying on track. Cooked up a bunch of stuff yesterday...including some baked chicken in yogurt. Sounds gross but it's really good!! Also ate Quinoa for the first time. Mmmmm!! having fun with these recipes. I get in the habit if eating the same things a lot, so it's nice to experiment.


Workouts also going well...so far, so good

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Today was productive and busy at work. I feel myself getting back to the old 'me'.. confident, happy and just more FUN!

Yayy me!! also I think someone on FB likes me. Not sure yet, but he's a local musician. Not my typical 'type'..he followed me on there today. Which is flattering.lhe has over 5,000 friends. So I guess he was at maximum. Oh well...it feels nice

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im still here....,holidays were fun, but glad to be back into my routine!


Honestly, not much to report. I am tweaking my fitness and diet regimine slightly in order to get through the next holiday, but otherwise it's status quo. Im trying to just keep my focus on me. I've had various offers for dates, but truthfully Im just not into it right now. It wouldn't b fair to start dating someone Im lukewarm about....so I try to just graciously turn them down and just let them know Im not in a good place to date yet. I gotta admit, the attention IS nice though. Maybe in a couple more months I'll consider it, but I want to give it more time...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all....I got off track with the holidays, but Im still here! Hope to start posting again regularly this week.

I've been talking to someone new recently, but it's still too new to know what's gonna happen. I really like him and he really likes me...but there are complications. Somehow Im thinking it will be short lived but at least Im prepared for the worst. Either way, I have lots of plans and goals to keep me busy and moving. Im gonna try not to dwell on the negatives....Happy New Year!!

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Hi Clarisse!! wellllll.......he has kids, etc, which is not an issue to me but he's not really in a place to jump into anything heavy, which is also fine, as I am not ready to pursue anything serious. So for now we are getting our bearings and sitting on our feelings and are going to just take things verrrryyyy slow and just try the friends route. I could definetely see myself with him when the timing is right, though.


Im very happy to share my journal with you......so lets inspire each other!

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