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A Sticky Situation


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I was assaulted and now I am here today seeking treatment. I met a guy who went through something similar to me and I was ecstatic to find someone who understood me. I expected too much from him. I was so happy to meet someone whom I could spend time with and share my experience of my stay at the hospital and etc etc. It was nice because when we talked about it it was so care free. Like hey so I tried to kill myself or hey they forced me to take meds in the hospital etc etc. For once I didn't have someone face to face who had these pity eyes. I felt somewhat normal and talking about this crap didn't make me emotional or sad.

But I wanted more and I started picking on his character. He noticed this too and even mentioned i should stop. Said it was too soon for him to make any promises and know what he wants.

I had sex with him because I wanted him to like me more. Wanted him to stay. I wanted him for the wrong reasons.


In the past I am used to moving fast in relationships and the guy falling head over heels for me. Listening to whatever I tell him to do but this was different. A new experience.


This guy I just found out is schizophrenic and refuses to take his meds. He is somewhat emotionally detached. He doesn't get emotional cues. Doesn't kow how to communicate well and he doesn't see that. Today I got frustrated and just got mad and stopped talking to him. We had an argument over texts and rude things were sadi. He saod I needed to take my meds because I was having mood swings which just really hurt me. Was like I was a crazy person for not taking meds which I am on because I have PTSD?

I late apologized because I just hate fighting and because i couldn't even explain why I was mad because he just didn't get it!


Should I even bother speaking to him again? We work together. I suggested we talk again in person to clear the air but I feel like it might be pointless because well he just doesn't get things.

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