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Male co-worker being distant


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Im attracted to this male co-worker at my new job. I know office romance is a big no no but I can't help how I feel about him. We both are fairly new to this job. We used to sit next to each other until we got moved to the new location. Now I sit accross the hall. He always find a reason to see me. he touches my hands pretending it was an accident sometime. He throw napkin at me while we were having coffee at cafeteria. I do the same to him too. Today I wanted to show him some gesture that I like him more than a friend. So I brought so muffins to work and just told him hey I brought some muffins for you. He said, no. I felt rejected. ok may be I'm being sensitive. I don't know. Then we went to a class together and I avoid eye contacts with him cuz I was embarrassed.


He tried to IM me and I didn't respond for couple of hours. He stopped by to ask a question to our teammate to ask a question. As soon as I saw him, I ignored, avoid eye con act and just got up and walk away.


He's being distant the whole day too. He used to tease me a lot but today he barely even smile. Eventhough we work for the same team, its so hard to see him now since we sit far from each other.


Does he like me or its all in my head. I always push people away by ignoring them when I like them. I think I'm making the same mistake again.

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Yes...you have pushed him away by ignoring him. You need to develop more mature and adult was of interacting with men you are interested in. What worked in elementary school does not work as an adult.


It's my insecurity. I was trying to do something nice and he rejected or I felt rejected. What do I do from now on?

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Maybe he was full! Or maybe he can't eat flour.

Your pouting about it and feeling rejected is very immature.

He declined a muffin...he didn't reject you.


I think you should do some reading about working on your insecurity or see a therapist. You are not ready to date. You are much too sensitive.

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