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I was doing so good!

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The final BU with my ex happened...I don't even remember how long now and I've stuck to NC like a drowning person to driftwood. I was actually feeling pretty normal and was starting to consider dating again. Then 2 things happened and it was: "Why hello, square one! Haven't seen you in quite awhile but here I am again! You're worse than I remember..."


Here's the two things:

1) I ran into a mutual acquaintance of ours for the first time in a long time and the first thing he says is that he saw my ex with the woman he's being seeing for over a year now and they seem really happy. Hm, interesting because we broke up less than a year ago. And there's that knife in my heart that I almost forgot about being twisted in and making a glorious comeback. Why out of all of the things you could say to someone you haven't seen in a long time would you think updating someone on how amazing a couple their ex and the woman he cheated on you with would be what you lead with? Hey dude, does your head pay rent to your butt because it seems it's taken up permanent residence there.


2) Ex texts me out of the blue for the first time in months saying that he wants to come pick up the rest of his stuff. What?? Oh you mean those movies you picked up at Walmart for like $10 for the lot? Seriously? I'll write you a check and send it in the mail.


So yeah, everything came crashing back and me and square one are back together again. I've been crying non-stop and can't eat again. I was doing so well and now I have to start all over.


Anyway, thanks for listening. I really needed to vent.

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