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Ex Girlfriend Confusing Me? Bitterness?

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I was with my ex girlfriend for about a year before she ended things. I was the first guy she has ever introduced into her family and it was really hard for her to do so because they are very conservative. Anyway, she dumped me via Facebook while she was on a trip with her family to help with their business. For a few days after the break up we talked and her reason for the break up was because she wasn't happy in our relationship and that she wasn't in love with me any more. It did hit me really hard because I did the best that I could to create a happy relationship. Of course we had fights in the past regarding trust issues towards each other(on both sides) and I already came to peace with it and trusted her completely. We agreed to stay friends, but it ended up being harder on me than I thought it would be. The following week when she came back we decided to hang out with each other. Attempting to put emotional feeling behind, I agreed and told her around 5-530 I would pick her up and she happily agreed. So the day comes and at around 430 she tells me "don't bother coming over,ever" and said other things that hurt me. I was extremely confused and went to see her anyway. When we met, it was as if nothing happened and she apologized for her mood swing. During our meet, we pretty much caught up(she was gone for 2 weeks) and I ended up spilling my feelings about everything. She comforted me and told me we should just work on ourselves for now and in the future we'll get back together. Anyway, weeks after that I began to text her and call her, which ended up pushing her away. I was always the one to initiate contact. During one of our last phone calls I asked her about a picture she posted on Instagram about "moving on where she doesn't belong" I asked her if she was trying to move on from "us" and she told me she doesn't know any more. After, I decided to give myself space from her. College started and we ended up having the same class together. She told me not to talk to her friend, as well as her. I was at an emotional roller coaster at that point and decided to drop the class, I just couldn't focus. She called me immature through a text message and I told her that it was too soon for me to see her all the time, that I still need time to heal. She called me a couple days later and said that she was losing hope for us, that I give up on everything, and to not ever say that she didn't try to work things out. I just couldn't take it any more and took the path of moving on. So I blocked her from all social media.


We've been in no contact for roughly a month now. I still talk to her family, as she does with mine. Last week one of her friends followed my Instagram and noticed I was already trying to move on. I'm pretty sure she saw the photos of me being with other girls and a few minutes after, her friend posted a group pic of her, my ex, and her cousin with their middle fingers up saying "**** you" I ended up blocking her friend and I felt really disrespected. I left it at that and just shook it off. A few days later I receive 2 missed calls from my ex but didn't pick up cause it was at 2am and I was asleep. I tried calling her back and texted her why she called, but no response. Now I get a random call from some survey company looking for her. I'm frustrated cause now she's giving out my number without my knowledge of it. I just don't know any more. I'm not sure what her intentions are, but it's getting to me. I'm still not completely over her, but I know I still love her deeply. it seems like she's doing subtle things so I don't forget about her.


Any thoughts/advice?

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You can't be friends with an ex if you still have feelings for them. Seems like both of you have unresolved issues with each other.


Regardless, you're not together and she seems uninterested in pursuing a romantic relationship so just go NC and move on.


Quit the contact with the familyl as well because all that does is prolong the agony and prevent you healing.

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