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What's his deal?


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I've been seeing this guys for a couple of months. We've been casually dating. We had great conversations, have quite alot in common, enjoy each others company, and great sex. Everytime we would have a great time together, he would pull away and not talk to me for a couple of days. So I gave him his space and he'd come back around. He has alot of things going on right now, including a vindictive ex that wont let him see his son, he makes too much money to stay in his apartment and has to move, and other stuff. Then he had a heart attack. Things were ok till a see later, he broke all contact and deleted me off Facebook. Then after a see of no communication, he came back around. Now his parents are here to help him out and we cannot see each other. So, I asked him if we will still see each other when he moves and he said "I haven't thought that far ahead. I like talking to you and the sex is good but I have problems". We keep talking, and boom! He stops talking to me again! I know he cares about me, he has made it a point to be by my side when I was in the hospital. He checks my Facebook, through mutual friends. He gets jealous about other guys. What gives? What am i doing wrong?

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so many people ask a similar question. . "why do they play the push pull game?"

Don't know why. There could be all sorts of reasons . . How about, maybe because it works??

Honestly the reason really doesn't matter.


My standard answer is to answer a question with a question.

Does this work for you? Are you getting your needs met?


Dr Phil . .`we teach people how to treat us'


We can't sit in the middle of it and complain that we don't like how it feels and do nothing about it.

I don't mean to sound so cavalier about this. I too have been in this position and whined all over the place about it. It hurts!!

And then, I woke up. . and left. It wasn't easy but it sure felt right.

But. .before you walk away. . if that's what you chose to do . . figure out exactly what you deserve and tell him. He either steps up or doesn't.

You don't have much to lose.

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Ive been there. If he can tell you all these things except that he wants to be with you than he doesnt. Listen to his actions. We gals tend to ignore those. A lot of men tend to cling to women when they are going through who are helpful to their life at that particular time. They dont necessarily love you but they love the peace you bring at that moment. Sounds like hes telling you he doesnt want to be with you but you're not listening. Im sorry this happened.

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