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Getting to know someone outside of where you normally see them


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I have a question just regarding general first interactions/potentially being interested in someone. There's a new graduate student at my university who is in one of my classes. At first our conversations were a little awkward, especially since I was pretty nervous but they've been getting easier and we've been having some really pleasant conversations. Obviously, I am potentially interested in him, but he's a pretty quiet and passive guy where I'm more outgoing and extroverted. How could I go about being able to get to know him outside of class more often? I'm not usually one to ask for people's numbers but I know nowadays that's more common than not (for a girl asking a guy out). There's a few of us from class going to dinner this weekend and I've considered inviting him as a friendly gesture since he's new, but I don't know if that's too soon seeing as I don't even have his number yet. I definitely want to be friends with him, but because I feel an attraction to him, it makes it hard for me to just treat him as I would any other friend. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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