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Ok y'all, y'all have seen me post on here about the crazy ex gf and the bs that she pulled last time I was home. During the past couple months after the break up and last time home I had been seeing this 26 y/o girl, cool enough girl but entirely too much drama, I know this sounds bad, but ppl that I wouldn't associate with always in and out of her place, certian "activities" should I say, that I can't be anywhere near, bc I have a carrer and a good future in the oilfield and won't do anything to screw that up. Plus she scratched the hell out of my extra truck. So I ended it w/ her, knowing that my idea of normal and her idea of normal are 2 way different things.

Anyway after I went hug huntin my first weekend home, I headed on up to White Plains Kentucky. And there is this woman up there that I've known for several years and we have become friends, been out w/ some other friends as a group before, talk a good bit via text and FB but just left it as friends. This time we spent a lot of time together, went squirlle huntin a couple times, checked cams, her and her daughter even helped me trail a deer one night. We went out to eat several nights, actually went on a "date". Had a great time. Her "normal" and my "normal" are much more in line. I'm 36 she's 39, she's not looking for someone to take care if her, she's already got the wild side done with. Her idea of a wild night is sittin around a fire sippin on some 'shine with some mutual friends. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying in head over heels or nothing, but I will say I like her and enjoy spending time w/ her.










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