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Is my boyfriend's behaviour acceptable??


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My boyfriend has done many things that have upset and bothered me but people try and make it seem like not a big deal. First, we had plans one day and 10 minutes before I was about to leave to meet him, he told me he couldn't see me because his Mum had a huge rant at him because he needed to go and do something else and acted really upset. I found out two days later that it was all a lie and he actually couldn't be bothered. Recently I was with him and his best friend, and he completely changed. He didn't come anywhere near me and acted like he didn't know me. He then started making jokes about how I wasn't ready to become sexually involved with him and how I am "frigid". About a week ago I found out he has been talking to his ex again, who he apparently "hates". I then heard that he had asked her to do stuff with him, and that she said she would. First of all he tried to lie and say he had never spoke to her. Then it turned out he made a secret account so that he could talk to her without me knowing. Whenever I get upset or angry about any of these things, people always seem to make out like I'm over reacting. He also tries to turn things on me and make out like I am the bad person. Im really confused on if this stuff is bad? Should I be angry and upset about these things?

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Who are the people making you feel bad about this?


Honestly, I would have put up with this when I was young, but now I would never waste my time on someone who wasted my time and tried to humiliate me in front of his friends.


If it makes you feel bad, then it's not acceptable to you and you should listen to that feeling.

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Should I be angry and upset about these things?


People have different tolerances of what they find acceptable and not so it does not really matter what we think. Ultimately it is what you think that matters. I have a low tolerance of people who lie but I have always tried very hard to allow my partners to be the people they are and to foster a climate of honesty within the relationship. It is something to consider why he felt the need to lie to you about needing to do something for his mother instead of just telling you the truth that he didn't feel like hanging out, tired or whatever.. Rather than being upset about the fact that he lies about talking to his ex or telling you the truth about not feeling like going through with certain plans I would want to know why he felt the need to lie to you.

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