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Long Distance Marriage.............seems we are growing apart


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Hi everyone,

Happy to blurt our here since i am so lonely and just not okay. MY husband had to be moved to another country for work, and he is going to be there for about 18 months before i join him. Well its been about 6 months only already, and seems like things are starting to seem funny. Not suspecting he is having an affair, but something just seems off.


Not sure if its the distance 'out of sight is out of mind thing', but i noticed the calls reduced, he is usually not friendly at all when i call, half of the time it seems like i am forcing him to talk on the phone. 99 percent of the time i am the one calling him, and if something happens and the line goes off, he

never bothers to even call back. We have a daughter together, previously he used to skype her every night. Now nothing. not even calls to try to hear her voice.


I tried to talk to him about it over the weekend but then i get the cliche answer 'you complain too much, you nag too much'. I am lonely. I miss my best friend. Now i dont even have anyone to talk to about my day at work, my challenges at work or even just to ppour out my feelings when something goes wrong.


Any advice? anyone been in a similar situation before?

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>>We have a daughter together, previously he used to skype her every night. Now nothing. not even calls to try to hear her voice.


I would say odds are good that he is in a relationship with someone else now where she is at his house and he is not available to talk to you or your daughter so much.


Is there any way you can confirm his living situation, or go over to visit him to see what is going on or get back together sooner than 18 months? You need to try to nip this in the bud if he is already withdrawing from both of you after only 6 months and his behavior is showing that he is losing interest in both you and your daughter.

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