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In a rut


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Hi guys,


So to shorten thisplease read read my last message. I went on a night out I wasn't drunk and I ended back up at my ex house we cuddled and be told me he does and still loves and misses me, I said the same back. The thing is I lied to my mum ehere I was because I know as soon as anyone knows they won't like it.


He's older than me and we have different interests and he annoys me to death haha but I can't see myself letting anybody else love me


I have told him were still friends but I can actually see he wants more.


My mum goes away for a week soon so I will be tempted to stay one night at his.


Please please help x

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Are you admitting your weakness?


If it's all wrong and you know it, then you need to back off to accept & deal with things.. on your own. Do not keep falling back on him.

You need to work on yourself. You need to work on your own self esteem and inner strength now. Or you're never going to get ahead & keep sitting in confusion & pains.


Btw, one cannot be friends with an Ex until those 'feelings' are gone.


List your reasons on WHY you're apart and why he's an Ex now. Keep reminding yourself.

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