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Loosing a friend to suicide.


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Have you sought any kind of counseling?


That would be a place to start. You'll need to decide whether living out the rest of your life disconnected and lonely is worth more to you than the slings and arrows we all face in forming relationships. If you're dug so deep into solitude that you can't dig yourself out, that's what professionals are trained to help people do--cope with losses in healthier ways.


We all suffer losses, so nobody can tell you that they won't happen. You get to decide whether resiliency is a skill you're willing to learn. Nobody can give that to you.

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Counseling and time and baby steps towards making friendly acquaintance with others. I lost one of my closest friends, a friend from childhood, to a tragic auto accident some years ago. I still miss him. I cry on the anniversary of his death sometimes. But counseling helped me tremendously and in time I was able to take baby steps towards letting other friends in. And I will always love my friend and in a way, whenever I form a new friendship, I can't help but think he is somewhere smiling and approving of that.


Your best friend would not want you to remain alone. She would probably tell you the same thing I'm telling you, go get some help and find a way to move forward. Not on necessarily, but forward so that you can hold her in your heart and still love other people and make friends with them too. I know how much it hurts, but healing is possible. Sometimes you just need that extra hand to get there. I wish you all the best.

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