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Should I initiate contact or just wait on him?


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I have been single for 2 years. I have dated but not gotten serious with anyone. Mostly because of my horrible relationship with my kids father. I met a guy 6 months ago and he was so nice to me. He was visiting family but lived in another state. He lived about 5 hours away from me. We decided to start a long distance relationship. At first we was seeing each other every weekend then it changed to every month. He said he had so much going on but we still talked on the phone everyday. I went traveling to another state for my job but he did come visit me. We ended up meeting each other kids after 3 months. It was the biggest decision I ever made. He has been great with my kids and he is a great father. After about 4 months it started changing. I hate to say it but he has never been upset with me but I have broke up with him several times because him distancing himself, not answering his phone at times for 1-2 days, and some things just did not seem to add up. We ended up talking again after a couple days. Recently, he missed my birthday because he was out of town. 2 weeks after my birthday he invited me to come to his house to spend the weekend with him. We had a great weekend but I noticed he was texting someone about coming to his house for their birthday and he was being so overprotective of his phone. There was no name saved but I decided to call the number blocked and a girl answered. I hung up and just continued with the weekend. A few days later I was in another state and I spoke to him earlier in the day and he told me to call him when I got off work. The first time I called it went to voicemail after a while. 3 hours later he still didn't call me back, so I called him again. This time it rung 2-3 times and went to voicemail. He put the phone on ignore basically. All I text him was goodnight. The next day he still didn't call me so I decided to call him. When I spoke to him at first he act like he didn't have any missed calls from me then he changed it to well I might have missed your calls because I was in a restaurant drinking. So I just told him I had to go. He said something to me and I just said well if you knew I called then why didn't you call me back today and he said well I was but I got to work and got to busy. The thing is how was you going to call me back if you didn't know I called. I felt like he lied. I ended the conversation and text him. I text him about how I felt he was a liar and told him he must been hanging out with a girl that is why he put my phone call on ignore then I told him about the text I seen . All he wanted to say that he was not perfect and tell me how it was an ex girlfriend he was texting but it was no big deal. I told him to lose my number. I have not talked to him in a week now. First 4 days, I blocked his number. The last 3 days i have cooled off and unblocked his number. I have thought about things a lot but I do not think I am wrong for getting upset about his actions but probably shouldn't have broke up with him. I am so quickly to break things off with him because it is a easy way to protect my heart. My kids father used to text his ex girlfriends and tell them a whole bunch of crap about being with them and I do not want to go through that again. I was wondering should I initiate contact with him or just wait it out? I do not want to lose him because I feel I have fell in love with him but what is the ending point.

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I think it IS a good thing you broke it off and stay with that.

You don't trust him now, do you? And probably for good reason! You don't need that kind of crap, while you're trying to be involved with him & he's dealing with his ex?


Like you said, you've been there once, already. Why would you want that again?


If a guy is interested in you he'll be honest, he'll show you his interest. He's most likely mixed up now and you did both of you a favour.

Leave him be and keep moving.

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As long as you keep ignoring all these red flags that you are not his priority, just another fish on his line with other fish, you do know this is what it's always going to be. Why are you wasting another second on this joker? He is clearly not relationship material at all, just a good time looking for a good time. If that's what you want too then great and see other men. If it's not what you want then sorry, he's not going to be anything else but what he is. And that will never change no matter what he says, because you should have been paying attention to his actions. Stop sticking around and getting upset when he keeps doing what he's been doing all along.

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Thank you for your responses. After reading them, I decided to let everything be but he finally contacted me. I told him everything I was feeling and basically told him we need to work on our communication or we do not need to be together. I told him I would give him the option. Well I have not heard from him in 2 days since that conversation. I decided to call him today. Of course, he did not answer. I called him about a hour later and he sends me a text asking if everything is ok because he was out the country. I said no but ok. He text me right back and says ok i will be back Thursday. I replied it was nice to know he was going out the country when he did not mention that when we talked on the phone. He didn't reply. So when I told him I have been sick he replied right back and said I didn't know, are you ok. I think this is all a game too him. I am letting this go. I have cut all contact with him.

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