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Texting slowly came to a hault after first date


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Okay so here's the scoop. My friend and I were talking about the little dating website called Plenty of Fish. She told me to try it, so I did just for fun and curiosity. So when I downloaded the app on my phone, I was getting hits left and right. Not tryint o be conceited but I am not bad looking. I feel beautiful when I get dressed. Anyways, this one fish caught my eye. Handsome, nerdy, has his degree, 29, no kids, just total a total dream boat! He was the only person I messaged on there. We hit it off instantly and then he messaged me his number.


We texted from sun up to sun down for weeks and we would be extremely flirtatious, in a cute way however. A little dirty (but not too dirty) text every now and then. What threw me off is that he would say things like I am out of his league or I am the most beautiful woman who has ever liked him. Now I am aware that he might be just saying that, but I was feeling the same way about him. He would joke and make me laugh and smile. He told me about how I was fun and how I make him smile a lot too! We discussed meeting up for hookah and movies, so for the entire week I was waiting for Labor Day weekend, three days off from my 9-5 to meet this man that I have been crushing on via web and text! I felt the chemistry over text messages. Is that even possible? Was I imagining things? I never met anyone online before so this would be new to me. He wanted to meet me that Friday but I had things going on so we settled for Saturday.


We originally had plans to meet up at night at the lounge around my house but he asked to see me earlier in they day too because he said he was so anxious to meet me. I was excited and nervous too. I have never once heard this man's voice because all we did was text. So he lives an hour away from me. I drove to see him.My heart racing when I pulled up in his drive way. Meeting someone online for the first time had my stomach in knots. So we meet, he's even cuter in person (and his pics are hot)! He's a total hot nerdy guy who enjoys science and learning about new occurrences in space. He also knows how to make drinks. He made me a margarita that was actually pretty good! We talked about our music taste, about science, and what was on our bucket list. Everything went well. We kept hugging through out conversation, and every time he did I felt electric shocks through out me. I hate to sound like I am over reacting but I can't help how I feel. However, the last hug, we parted and just stared at each other. We kissed and embraced each other more, and things turned pretty steamy. We were making out, and he was grabbing me, and I was grabbing him, but I did not sleep with him. It was like I couldn't help myself, his lips on me. I should have behaved. He forewarned me earlier that he had to leave at a certain time to help his buddy move. So, I kept track of the time and left without him asking me to. I left around 4. We agreed to meet up later that night. Throughout the whole day he's messaging me, telling me that I beautiful and that he cant wait to see me again. He was sending me messages that made me smile and he was responding well to my text messages too.


So we met later that night. He drove to see me this time.We met at the hookah lounge.. He was dressed well, smelled nice, he looked amazing! Conversation was awesome. The girls who work at the lounge has the cute corsets on, complementing their breasts, but he wasn't looking at them, all eyes were on me. All of his attention was given directly to me. It was like no one was in that lounge but us. I smiled the whole night. By the time we left the lounge it was too late for the movies so we went to a bar. Once again, I felt special. He opened the car door, pulled out my chair and scooted me in. Kind gentleman gestures that wooed me. Even at the bar we never ran out of things to talk about. I was having an amazing time. I only had one cider beer, so I wasn't tipsy and neither was he. We left the bar and ended up making out in his car. It was so passionate! Neither encounters did he try to push sex.


After the first date, I noticed that he wasn't texting as much. I was totally confused because I thought everything went great. That chemistry was crazy. Was it just me? He went a whole day barely shooting me a text here and there and then late at night he messages this:


Him- Goodnight Ms. Pretty, I'm going to bed, back to the good ol' work grind. Thanks for making my weekend so special and I hope you have the sweetest dreams tonight.

Me- Thank you! I truly had an amazing time (: I've been smiling about it ever since meeting up with you. You're awesome. Seriously. I should get some rest too. Talk to you soon. Rest easy

Him- Me too, I had so much fun. You are the coolest person I know Sweet dreams beautiful!


So I felt good about us again but then for the past few days. Barely any texts. Two days ago he only really messaged me when he was feeling feisty. That was the only time in the day he me messaged back and forth, and then he vanished from the conversation. The day after that was the first time he didn't text me. Today I haven't heard from him either. So I messaged him this morning stating: I think I got ahead of myself and took the fun and the mystery out by being too sexually forward. Sorry. That was at 8 this morning. I still haven't heard from him. What's going on? Maybe he thinks I am easy. Nice people only please.


Oh and if it matters (which it shouldn't, it's 2014). I am 21 and black, he's 29 and white. I asked him if he has ever been with a black girl he said know, and he said "I hope you don't mind". I was fine with it, excited actually. What happened?

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There was no reason to text him an apology for being too sexually forward. It could be that he was just busy, and didn't have the time on his hands to text you as much as he had been before. You need to let him make the next move, if he doesn't contact you anymore from this point on then he lost interest somehow and moved on. Dating can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be a very cruel world where people disappear for no reason through no fault of your own.

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Yeah you are right. I don't want to come off as clingy or too needy so I decided not to text him anymore. I am just nervous because I really like him. I know he's new but what you are implying is that I just sit there and let him disappear if he wants to? I am feeling like that's the only option I have when it comes to this right now

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One other thing, if you decide to keep online dating don't make the first date at their house, make it somewhere public like a coffee shop.

I have been online dating for a while & there are some lovely guys & there are some fruit loops! Just be careful & be safe !!!!!

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Unfortunately, when it comes to online dating, a date is just a date and it doesn't matter how well it goes, it can always be the last one. For all you know, he's been talking to tons of girls online and has dates lined-up for weeks on end.

Don't do anything. If he contacts you, fine. If not, forget about him.

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Online dating can be cruel. I've had first dates that I thought went well but never eventuated in a second date and I've done the same to guys who thought the first date went well and for a variety of reasons I didn't want to continue.


The one take away from this is don't get so emotionally invested so early on in dating, especially not when you haven't even met them yet!


And as Shelly said, always meet at a public place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In online dating its called the slow fade or the disappearing act. Although he was attracted to you. He wasn't emotionally attached to you. Good job on holding off sex. You wouldn't know where he's been before.


Dumb move for going to some strangers place. Could have been a serial killer with 6 other victims buried under the patio.


In future stay safe and tell people where your going.

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