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No kiss on 1st date. why?


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Dude your passiveness is crazy. You expect the girl to do everything. In a couple of dates during an intimate moment ask her casually what she is looking for.


I agree to a certain extent but I'm sure if I said I was going to ask this I'd have been shot down for being too pushy haha.


So you suggest after a little kiss or special moment t I just slip in with "are you looking for anything serious?"

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I agree to a certain extent but I'm sure if I said I was going to ask this I'd have been shot down for being too pushy haha.


So you suggest after a little kiss or special moment t I just slip in with "are you looking for anything serious?"


That's what I would do. Maybe say something along the lines of "I've really enjoyed spending time with you and was wondering what is it that you are looking for?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little update:


Im yet to see her this week, both have been really busy with work but weve kept in touch and I have no worries that shes losing interest etc, we plan on spending saturday together which will be great, but theres one little worry.


Im not a huge fan of talking on the phone, I prefer texting, you can reply in your own time and its a lot more personal than say a phonecall when youre out and about. Not even my friends call, they know I dont like it, its always texts.

This girl has started to call me, I thought you know what? Im going to give it a shot, try and get used to it. The thing is, she phones a lot and I mean a lot.


The other day for example she called whilst I was out walking the dog in the evening, We spoke for a good hour, I managed to do it although feeling awkward throughout, she was off to work and ended the call by saying ill speak to you later.

A few hours later she called again, we spoke for about 30 minutes, by now although it was lovely for her to call I was winding down and chilling out, I said I was off for a bath and she said ok I'll call you later... so weve pretty much spoke about everything for 1:30 hours!

Whilst in the bath I had a jokey text off her (a bit rude) then true to her word a phonecall later.


This has been the norm for the past week. Dont get me wrong im stoked shes this keen but it seems a bit OTT added to the fact I dont like speaking on the phone. I've told her Im not a huge fan of phonecalls but she laughed it off.


Am I being a bit of a drama queen here or is this the start of possessiveness?

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I prefer texting with everyone except my partner. I prefer phone calls with them. That said, it's ok to not talk on the phone for 1.5 hours per day. It's almost rushing the relationship along. I like to get to know someone slowly, and don't need to know everything happening in their life in the courting phase.


I can see your dilemma, you enjoy spending time with her and want it to move forward, but don't want to talk on the phone all of the time. And if you tell her that, she may not be as keen on you anymore.

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I prefer texting with everyone except my partner. I prefer phone calls with them. That said, it's ok to not talk on the phone for 1.5 hours per day. It's almost rushing the relationship along. I like to get to know someone slowly, and don't need to know everything happening in their life in the courting phase.


I can see your dilemma, you enjoy spending time with her and want it to move forward, but don't want to talk on the phone all of the time. And if you tell her that, she may not be as keen on you anymore.


This is exactly it. I cant and dont want to ignore the call, thats just rude, if im genuinely busy then obviously I'll return the call later. Thing is shes not really giving me as much to talk about, it seems to be her talking at me, either that or I genuinely have nothing interesting to say about my day haha.


Im probably coming accross on here as horrible and I know if the calls stopped id be soon whinging on here.

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No, not at all. When my ex and I first startd talking on the phone it was background/getting to know each other phone calls. Then as our relationship developed it was catching up on our day phone calls. But it was all very natural feeling. It sounds like your phone calls aren't natural feeling.


I don't envy you right now. It's like, how do you tell her you're not a big phone guy without her taking it personally and not wanting to move forward? I think it's good to push yourself out of your comfort zone with her and try being more of a phone guy, but I also think several phone calls a day to the tune of over 1.5 hours is stretching it.


Im probably coming accross on here as horrible and I know if the calls stopped id be soon whinging on here.
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I would stop texting her if that seems to trigger another phone call. My husband and I were long distance when we started dating again and on the days we were apart we had one phone call a day ranging from 20-45 minutes usually and always in the evening, after dinner. During the day we would email here and there-most often lighthearted stuff. I really enjoyed our night time phone calls -we were home, it was relaxing. I think mostly it was even as far as who talked. I don't think you two need to be in touch as much as you describe especially since you're not long distance. Why not suggest a brief phone call at night or another time when it's comfortable to chat? Ask her how she feels about texting as well.

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