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my suicide (ascension to death) needs ending


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this is the first poem ive posted on here so here we go.


It's my life I live

It's also the price I have to pay

For being me, the one who loves but is unloved

I guess I should take the knife

And spill the blood

Living my life's not hard enough

Burn me alive inside

Take everything away

No one will notice

No one will care

No one will give and honest f**k

About what will happen to me

They'll walk in on me and sigh

Blood's all over the floor

And they'll wonder why

And they'll just shrug

And say who gives a f**k if he died

And I'll be in heaven or hell

Listening to those words they say

And out of my lie scarred shell

My darker side will take the day

I'll punish all of them

I'll rape, ravage, purge and slay

I always was a favorite of death

Well now that's who I am

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Your poem is certainly dark. (I'm sure that was the point of it). You definitely released feelings of depression and anger with your poem, which is a good thing because that's what poetry is for.


I just hope your thoughts keep coming out in written form instead of in actions. Keep writing and posting when you feel like this.



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atleast its good that you expressed how you feel. One time I was really mad at this girl who hated me for no reason, who I wrote a poem about beating her up. I am not proud of it, but I needed to find a way to express how I felt. I named the poem "Slap the B##(("...hehe....but after writing the poem I felt better. Its not good to have anger inside that you just keep bottled up......


Just think about the future and what sort of future life you will be leaving behind if you commit suicide.......i mean....future career, future friends, future wife.....just think about that.....

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