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Quick Re-cap: 5 yrs, broke up in Feb, seen each other once in Aug, talked about 3 times. Tried to do NC, it was like 1-2 months intervals in between. She lives with new BF (she is 24 he is 48 with 2 kids 22, 20). She got fired from job and quit school. 3 times we talked kept it real friendly and upbeat. Last time was beginning of Dec '04, told her how I really felt and laid everything on the line and said lets try again. She said no, sent her and her family christmas gifts (really, really nice expensive ones, don't know if that makes a difference or not). She sent me an e-mail saying we are not getting back together, but that she was confused about life and didn't know what she wants.


Basically 2004 was a freaking horrible year and I want to forget everything and start fresh in 05. I left a voice mail message right at midnight telling her that I hope she has a happy year, and that she is happy and healthy and that I love her. It will be the last time I talk to her because I felt the whole year was a serious traumatic experience in keeping contact with her. Obviously we are not getting back together, I tried to go for it one more time and got shot down.


My New Years Resolution is NC and to move on. I WILL NOT CONTACT HER. I hope that everyone else out there that has been hurt and heartbroken by an ex will join me in making this resolution. Life is too short to mope about the past. Stop looking at the past! Look to the future! Lets do this all together and be happy in 2005. Hope everyone had a good new years (I didn't NC FOR 2005!

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High fives Sizz813 and rich46! NC for 2005!


People are confused about what? I have to admit she has alot of growing up to do. If they want you they want you. I'm surprised she's with a 48 yr old tho... that's kinda weird esp if he has kids 22 & 20. He's bascially using her vulneability and sex while she's using him for the $bling $bling. Very meaningful relationship if u ask me . Be glad very glad you didn't end up with her your entire life.


Oh yea for the dumpees out there I plead to you.... NO I LOVE YOU's to the DUMPER. They don't deserve to hear it. Keep the I LOVE YOU's for people who WANT TO BE WITH YOU. I love you's are used in the most intimate times to express your true feelings for them. It should only be used sparingly.


NC for 2005! Woo hoo!

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