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What Should I do?


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To make a long story short, my sister-in law gave me a blowjob. It was consensual and lasted all of 10 minutes.

Now I love my wife and this is tearing me up inside. At family get togethers I can't even look her in the eyes. Yet she seems as if nothing happened and seems not to be bothered by it. She is married with children. Should I just let it go and get on with my life? Is this incest?

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Well, it's not incest that's for sure, but it's not too darn smart either. Is this something you initiated or your sister-in-law? If she did and you don't want this to happen again, I'd suggest you make sure yo are never alone with her ever again. As a matter of fact I'd make sure I was NEVER in a situation where I was alone with another woman other than my wife for the rest of my life. If you can't get into a place where tempation can lure you, then you will be much safer. in the meantime do NOT talk about it with the sister-in-law and for God's sake NEVER tell your wife. it would only destroy her for the sake of giving you peace of mind. Don't hurt her or your marriage for this and be FAITHFUL to her forever.

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Thanks, It's hard to say, but we both had been drinking and for all I know she does not even remember the incident. I would never tell my wife and obviously I do need to stay away from her while drinking. It was at a party and just happened. Thanks for the advice. Che sera sera!


[ This Message was edited by: kamurj on 2002-02-27 14 ]

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  • 4 weeks later...

What the hell were you thinking man? Your guilt in this matter is something you will have to live with the rest of your life. Coming to an open forum asking that people say "its ok" is asking for you to do it again.


Go to church, treat your wife with respect and never even put this thought into your head. Your sins will be revisited by God and you will need to try to convince him that you are worthy of reprieve. This will require alot of work on your part.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You are a lousy husband and your sister-in-law is a lousy sister.

Your wife will find out because you are too dim witted to realise the seriousness of the other woman being her SISTER


Your sister-in-law would have remembered alright, she just wasn't going to let on. But wait for a fight between her and your lovely wife - when it's time for harsh words to be spoken. She will find out sooner or later and your wife will only hate you all the more for not being the one to tell her.


The moral of the story is WHO will tell her first: You or her sister. Not to mention the people your sister-in-law confides in about it. Did you consider that if she is foolish enough to give you a blow job when she is drunk that she might be foolish enough to 'talk' when she's drunk also?


By not telling your wife you are forcing her to live a lie that is beyond comprehension. Give your wife the break she deserves and allow her to find a better life companion.

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  • 3 years later...

Looks to me like someone is using the forum for a personal debate. They are right in thier thinking that it will come out eventually. It will grow in them until it turns into a poison to them. Best senario, tell the wife and face the music. Both he and the sister-in-law made the chioce to let it happen. Time to pay the piper. Then, if not kicked out on thier a** do what ever wife requires to satisfy her needs to rebuild the trust. The longer he waits to tell her the harder it will be to rebuild.

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If you look at the original posting date you will see this thread is from long ago.


Originally when eNotalone was set up, members could post as "Anonymous" if they didn't want to go through the registration process. However this was changed later to only allow people to post who have registered.


What you are seeing are threads abandoned long ago.

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