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Question for guys and girls (first kiss)


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when i want to be kissed i tend to touch a guy on his arm or maybe chest. or stroke his hair a little bit.


i may hug them and slowly pull away and stroke my cheek on the guys cheek and stare right inhis eyes.


another way to tell if a girl wants to kiss you is they tend to look in the guys eyes and the maybe look down and the look back into the guys eyes again..


i really hope this has helped.. my best advice is to just go for it tho!





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what I do is in the right situation, I'll look into her eyes, then dart my eyes down to her lips, then get them back to her eyes again. She'll know what you're thinking about, and you can tell by her reaction whether or not she's keen for it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First kiss that i had with the chick im 'seeing' now I could tell she wanted a kiss coz she was having heaps of fun and laughing and it was a romantic beach night loll..


Look her in the EYES.. from what ive learnt girls love guys who can keep eye contact.. if she dont look away or if she moves to your lips with her eyes then pucker up lol

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Some good tips there from Sharkbait.


I think it's easiest when you are both somewhere quiet, secluded and where you can't be interrupted.


Maybe watching a movie in your/her house - then get close. Maybe with her head resting on your arm.


Then look her in the eyes and down at her lips (while doing something; like playing with her hair), if she allows you to play with her hair and doesn't pull away - Go For It.


Good Luck.

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What i find is if you try putting your hand on her knee while talking to her or if ur game on her upper thigh and if she twitches keep talking (to test if she is just ticklish or something lol or just didn't expect it) if she seems comfortable pucker up, if she doesn't budge at all when u first put ur hand there and just keeps smiling at you then you better pucker up or your gay


I like to hold her hand, play with it.. run my finger around it tickling kinda.. just subtle movements while talking to her.


Seriously. When your talking to her, look her in the eyes and smile alot(without it being fake smiles lol) try avoid corny 'you look really pretty today' go for the more humor side of convo joke around get her loosened up with some jokes and just have fun and if your lucky u might get a kiss out of it.. once u have the first kiss the others are so much easier haha

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You just know. If your looking for signals it raises the tension and nervousness level, cause your asking yourself, should I kiss her now or not? Instead, simple live in the moment and when you can sense its time, then kiss.


And if you're wrong - get some ice to numb your, nearly broken, jaw.

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And if you're wrong - get some ice to numb your, nearly broken, jaw.


Hmm.... well, there are worse places she could have aimed for.


Unless your just going for it out of the blue, you won't be wrong. There comes a point where its right, and you both know it.

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