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Sorry for the totally un-hot pic, but this is the back of my shirt after 3.84 miles, 50 mins, and 476 calories on the treadmill. And I love it. I feel great after pushing myself. I could've kept going but my episode of Dawson's Creek ended and I wanted to go home haha.

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I run .15 miles and walk .1 miles, and I think next time in gonna go to run .2 miles and walk .05 miles. I know I can do it. I've done it before. Jus not consistently and for the whole time I'm on there. I just keep trying to challenge myself and see how I do. It may not be much to some but I'm doing it.


Also, my boobs feel smaller and are my bras are looser. Is that normal for only 6lbs? Who knows. Husband said he doesn't notice and tried for about 2 mins each boob to tell the difference but something tells me he forgot what he was trying to figure out.

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Starting to notice my belly getting smaller. I've only ever really had a pooch (I carry all my weight in my legs and hips) but it's def getting smaller. Random guy who world in the clinic told me I'm shrinking. Coworker showed me on my waist where she notices I'm smaller. Still completely unsure of how much weight I've lost since the great scale confusion of 2014. But hey, I'm noticing, others are noticing, eating better is easier, and I still don't hate the gym. Progress, yo.


Also, sweat so much tonight that the backs of my hands were sweating. That's new.

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Lol @ sweaty backs of hands


you're doing good Have you planked lately?


I just started a 10,000 step a day challenge with a bunch of gfs. The first day I did 14,000, second day I just hit 10,000...and I'm not sure about yesterday. I just picked up a fitbit. It's making me realize I'm actually a lot more active than I thought I was. Which is awesome. I forgot to track for like a week...I need to do that today


I need to start doing weights...I miss that. Maybe I'll head over to the gym for a quickie this morning. I'm going for a walk with a gf and my daughter tonight...and to marble slab after...mmmm ice cream...





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Always best to walk to and from the ice cream place haha.


I want a fit bit for my birthday in November. I've made it very clear to my husband that's what I want! The walk from my office to car an back is so long. Like a quarter mile or so. I want those to count in my calories dang it!


My work pants are very loose on me now. I showed my coworker and she said she was proud of me!

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My friend measured me a few months ago for a dress she's making me. She measured me again last night. Look at the difference!! I'm so proud of myself. Not just for losing weight but for changing my lifestyle enough for this to happen. !!!!!


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You're doing awesome!! How long have you been doing this now?


I did that last October, and lost a bunch of inches...and then broke up with 2 1/2 year guy and ate everything. On the plus side, my bf met me at my fattest ever and thinks I'm hot...so...at least I know he'll like me when I get pregnant fat. Hopefully I start to see a shrinkage in numbers...the first two weeks we did this, I noticed a big drop...but I've been staying the same for a while. I've been so bad at tracking though. I need a daily reminder




I just started a 10,000 a day step challenge...it's a private fb group with 8 friends...and I so I picked up a fitbit. I thought I was pretty inactive...cause...I sit a lot more than I should But I hit 10,000 a day easily. Most days around 14,000.....I'm not sure how that works


Most of the girls are struggling to get 6. I think it's all the stairs in my place.

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Ugh did not count calories at all today. Ha a banana for breakfast and then went to lunch with two volunteer friends after we walked dogs. We had Mexican, and I had chips/salsa/bean dip, a cheese enchilada with rice and refried beans, half a veggie tostada, and a sopapilla for dessert. I didn't want to eat anything else for hours. Even at dinner I wasn't hungry. We just had hot dogs (we'd both been craving the disgusting little bastards) and I barely got one down. Later, I was trying to perfect the guacamole I made for the first time las night and had a couple bites with some chips and with that and the Mexican lunch from earlier, I still feel all of that sitting in my stomach. Ugh.


The good news is I don't think I went over my calories though, if I add it all up. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

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Congratulations! Isn't it grand when you start to notice the changes!


btw, be careful with that killer Mexican food. In order to make beans 'tasty', they usually pour a truckload of oil into the pan to flavor the beans and to keep them from sticking when they are 're-frying' them. So when calculating calories, whatever you think you ate based on what raw beans would be, double that amount. Same with the rice, and enough cheese to fill an enchilada is usually at least 300-400 calories. And sopapillas are fried, so guesstimate 300 calories as in a donut. It is pretty hard to get out of a Mexican restauarant eating he combo plate and desert without an entire day's calories in one meal (and regular calories, not 'on a diet' calories). I LOVE mexican food, but it is not low calorie at all.


I once decided to start a diet and go to an Indian restaurant that had a wonderful buffet for every lunch hour. I 'guesstimated' the calories based on measuring everything, and it being vegetables or vegetarian with no meat, so i felt very virtuous and happy staying on my diet there. Then I couldn't figure out why I actually GAINED two pounds in one week when i was eating that for lunch and thought I was staying at 1,200 calories a day.


I talked to an Indian friend of mine about what was in the recipes and she just laughed at me and said in Indian cooking, they dump tons of oil in everything they make. Same problem with Mexican food, which has a very high oil content for everything they make so it is definitely not low calorie.


Which explains why it tastes so good!


It also explains why you don't feel hungry and feel like you've got a rock in your stomach... Fat is very slow to digest, so it sticks with you.


I found one trick if I get super hungry or feel 'empty' when I'm dieting... i have just one small spoon of peanut butter or a few nuts... the fat in them is slow to digest and keeps you from getting hungry or feeling empty.

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I find it really hard to track anything if I go somewhere local. So I'll look up the item I am eating and if I see one entry for 400 cals, another for 200, and another for 300, all about the same portion size, I'll enter in the 300. But usually with local places it's harder so I just end up lettin that be my cheat day.


Still feel like I come around my calorie in take though. I'm just being more conscious is all.

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Patients are noticing my weight loss. A lady I volunteer with once a week at the shelter said I'm losing so much.


I love that so many people are noticing! But I'm so bad at taking compliments. I'm usually just like "thanks, I'm down 9 lbs!" Or whatever. I can't just say thanks haha. I have to go further I to it

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