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Haha yea it counts. The three of us are in another challenge today bc the one girl's battery was dead yesterday. I'm currently on the treadmill trying to beat her. She clocked 6000 steps before I even woke up today bc she went for a run.

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I invited you to join with my sister and her friends--it's just a goal day. THere's a lot of smack talking on there haha. I don't know any of them except for my sister and brother in law but it's fun to banter and keeps me moving!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh I'm so off the wagon. I can feel my energy going down, my belly bloating, my moods changing...I have got to be better.


I'm pretty much doing fit bit challenges every day. I won the weekend one between me and probably 8 other people--I got over 33k steps I think in 2 days. I won yesterday between me and my coworkers (we all have one now!) and am doing another one today. So I'm still moving and still being active despite having little energy to do so bc I'm eating like crap.


I bought pop tarts this weekend. That's just bad. They're not even good but I am eating them!


Have to motivate myself to do better.

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Try and not shop when you're hungry and stop hitting certain isles. If you can't control your eating and you're eating something just because it's there then you're better off eating celery sticks, cucumber, carrots, and if CSNT control that then try chewing gum or munch on trail mix. You could also get some Larabar's which are better and healthier than pop tarts.

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The pop tart craving started happening a week ago and I held out till I went grocery shopping so I got some and it proved to be a mistake!! I'm able to realize when I'm eating bc I'm hungry vs eatin bc I'm bored, luckily, but I get these fast lightning bolt cravings where I feel like I may perish if I don't get the one thing I'm craving. It's weird.


I made a chex mix thing this weekend with regular cheesy chex mix, mixed nuts, and ranch pretzel pieces. That stuff was so good that I was practically sucking my fingers to be sure I got it all off. On Saturday, ALL I had was that mix and a wrap from Roly Poly. That's it. Very nutritious, right? The next day I didn't feel so hot...

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What motivates you? Do you get motivated by pictures of thinner people or do pictures of bigger people make you want to work towards your goal? Maybe you can put a picture of yourself at your biggest on your fridge and ever time you try and snack on things that aren't nutritious challenge yourself mentally and just walk away.

It's really mind over matter, you have to just be stubborn and fight yourself.

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Nothing like that really does anything for me. Right now the most motivating thing for me is realizing how different I feel when I'm not sticking with it. Just how much more tired I am, how crappy I feel, how my stomach feels, etc. it makes me realize how much better healthy feels and not necessarily looks. So I just need to get back on my goal of bein healthy.

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