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state of mind before a cool social situation


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I listen to my fav party songs and just generally get excited, to fully enjo a party you have to go for the right reasons, ive found. Once i was a bit bummed out and tired but a girl i know wanted to go out and i went with her and ended up spending lots of money and not having much fun. However the next week went out again but this time i went out for myself because i wanted to party and ihad a ripper. So yeah before you go out say i want to have a good time tonight.

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Music and beer! Throwing on something 'energetic' and having a couple of beers always relaxes me.


One thing that I've made it a point NOT to do, is go out to an awkward social setting while I am in a bad mood. If I've just fought with my boyfriend, had some kind of letdown, or whatever that has caused a bad mood, I will usually just stay home for the night. Really bad moods are usually not nursed by having to talk to 30 random strangers; in fact I find that I feel worse. Going out when you're feeling down and negative will make really bad impressions that YOU might forget - but that other people will REMEMBER about you (even if you think you're being 'subtle', people pick up on negativity pretty easily).

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