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Interested in a guy...How to show interest


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Been at a new job for nearly 3 months...Have seen this guy around abit.

We bumped into a few times and he approached me to talk. Last time we talked for around half an hour (went over my break time actually). We seem to have chemistry.




1.He's in a higher position than me (but isn't my direct boss, he works in a different area at work)


Anyway, I felt he showed interest, and the past couple of days, I have caught him staring at me a few times through the day (well at least it seemed so). The other day he passed my work area (we have desks) and I happened to glance at him staring at me as he passed. He's been hanging around where I work more often too? There were a lot of people sitting nearby so he could have looked at anyone.


Now...How can I create opportunities to get to know him better/have a chat with him. I don't want to be too forward (especially since he is attractive so he's used to attention in general I would expect), and because he doesn't work directly above me I really don't have a specific reason as to why I would approach him. I do however know when he takes his break.


What would you suggest? He works different shifts to me, so I want to be subtle but obvious that I have interest in him. I started getting interested after I talked to him, he seemed intelligent and a lot more down to earth than I expected. I heard he was shy and reserved. I don't like making the first move, I'm not the best at flirting either lol.


What should I say? Ask him for advice?

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"Accidentally" run into him as he is leaving work and ask if he wants to get a coffee/drink whatever. Life is short, sometimes you gotta seize the initiative yourself.


(lol only) Years later when you're married with kids and a white picket fence, you two can laugh about how you staked out the lobby in your building for 45 minutes so you could "accidental" bump into him as he was leaving.

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You're new to this job. The first thing I'd check for is the company's policy on "office dating"? Also, this guy appears to be in a managerial position, which means that there might be additional restrictions for him. Dating co-workers (or anyone in the building) can be a dicey situation, especially if things don't work out.

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