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6 minutes ago, DarkCh0c0 said:

@mylolita How are you feeling? How are the kids? x

Evening Dark! 

Thanks for asking, that’s so sweet of you. 

Everyone’s fine here, but the country is on the brink of a civil war. The media aren’t reporting the truth, and our Prime Minister who is standing there elected on only 18% of the vote tells the nation anyone who protests or “stirs up hatred online!” will feel the full force of the law! 

It’s like… 1984. They want us to live in a horror version of Minority Report. 

People are pissed. Normal people. 

In one way, I’ve never felt safer. In another, never been more worried. 

I married a white working class man who grew up in the roughest town and went to one of the roughest schools in 80s England. He can handle himself. And everyone he went to school with who respect him are nutters, frankly, if they aren’t dead already or in jail. I’m not fearful of our safety or anything like that - yet! I am more concerned with the political moves on the chessboard. 

I think what the world doesn’t maybe realise is, everyone has been lied to about how bad the situation is here. And horrendous crimes are being committed weekly now, and brushed under the rug. And people don’t feel safe and honestly, people aren’t safe. And everyone living in a “nice” area, fortunately for us, will be getting this soon enough if nothing changes in the next few coming years. 

We, historically, are used to fighting for our own cultural survival. Either against inward tyrannical leaders and rulers, or outside invasions - the Romans, the Vikings, and on and on. And we’re not really like the rest of Europe. We’ve always been separate and individualist by nature. 

We don’t care what you look like or what religion you practice, but if certain groups are committing murders weekly and monthly across the nation, people will snap, because the government and authorities haven’t done anything and have ignored petitions and protests for decades. 

It’s a strange time. I can feel the winds of change trying to turn. 

We’ve always been fair. But don’t take the biscuit. People have mistook our kindness for weakness and they couldn’t be more wrong. 

I’m glad all my Grandparents are now deceased so they don’t have to witness this. My Great Grandfather will be turning in his grave as I speak. 

I’ve browsed here in n the forum and everything now seems so trivial, I have no will to comment. It’s hard to go about the motions of my everyday without constantly thinking of the news.


Our nation was in mourning on the 29th. There were tears in Britain. 

I think it will be looked back upon like our version of 9/11. 

I could list the crimes that have been committed around our section of England, but what is the point? I could tell you the hotels housing hundreds of illegal immigrants are full of young men, and no women and children in sight - but what does it matter? I could tell you every 5 seconds another illegal touches down, £74,000 of tax payers money is spent within the next week housing, giving supplies and allowances, and administrating their arrival, whilst pensioners won’t be able to afford to hear their homes this winter. But, what does it matter? 

I could go on and on. Oh cries of racist and ignorant, believe me, I’ve heard it all - especially and always from those who have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about, and I assure you, definitely don’t have to live in these areas. 

How does a regular girl like me feel about witnessing her country she loves with her heart and soul on the brink of civil war? 

Am I, for once, maybe lost for words? 


I feel, as if I am living through historic times, stood at a cross roads that will decide the fate of our future. Ancestral thoughts and ideas and wills and hopes and dreams of long gone people float up to me whilst I’m sat down in the shower. 

That Monday feeling…!!!!!! 


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9 hours ago, mylolita said:

Evening Dark! 

Thanks for asking, that’s so sweet of you. 

Everyone’s fine here, but the country is on the brink of a civil war. The media aren’t reporting the truth, and our Prime Minister who is standing there elected on only 18% of the vote tells the nation anyone who protests or “stirs up hatred online!” will feel the full force of the law! 

It’s like… 1984. They want us to live in a horror version of Minority Report. 

People are pissed. Normal people. 

In one way, I’ve never felt safer. In another, never been more worried. 

I married a white working class man who grew up in the roughest town and went to one of the roughest schools in 80s England. He can handle himself. And everyone he went to school with who respect him are nutters, frankly, if they aren’t dead already or in jail. I’m not fearful of our safety or anything like that - yet! I am more concerned with the political moves on the chessboard. 

I think what the world doesn’t maybe realise is, everyone has been lied to about how bad the situation is here. And horrendous crimes are being committed weekly now, and brushed under the rug. And people don’t feel safe and honestly, people aren’t safe. And everyone living in a “nice” area, fortunately for us, will be getting this soon enough if nothing changes in the next few coming years. 

We, historically, are used to fighting for our own cultural survival. Either against inward tyrannical leaders and rulers, or outside invasions - the Romans, the Vikings, and on and on. And we’re not really like the rest of Europe. We’ve always been separate and individualist by nature. 

We don’t care what you look like or what religion you practice, but if certain groups are committing murders weekly and monthly across the nation, people will snap, because the government and authorities haven’t done anything and have ignored petitions and protests for decades. 

It’s a strange time. I can feel the winds of change trying to turn. 

We’ve always been fair. But don’t take the biscuit. People have mistook our kindness for weakness and they couldn’t be more wrong. 

I’m glad all my Grandparents are now deceased so they don’t have to witness this. My Great Grandfather will be turning in his grave as I speak. 

I’ve browsed here in n the forum and everything now seems so trivial, I have no will to comment. It’s hard to go about the motions of my everyday without constantly thinking of the news.


Our nation was in mourning on the 29th. There were tears in Britain. 

I think it will be looked back upon like our version of 9/11. 

I could list the crimes that have been committed around our section of England, but what is the point? I could tell you the hotels housing hundreds of illegal immigrants are full of young men, and no women and children in sight - but what does it matter? I could tell you every 5 seconds another illegal touches down, £74,000 of tax payers money is spent within the next week housing, giving supplies and allowances, and administrating their arrival, whilst pensioners won’t be able to afford to hear their homes this winter. But, what does it matter? 

I could go on and on. Oh cries of racist and ignorant, believe me, I’ve heard it all - especially and always from those who have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about, and I assure you, definitely don’t have to live in these areas. 

How does a regular girl like me feel about witnessing her country she loves with her heart and soul on the brink of civil war? 

Am I, for once, maybe lost for words? 


I feel, as if I am living through historic times, stood at a cross roads that will decide the fate of our future. Ancestral thoughts and ideas and wills and hopes and dreams of long gone people float up to me whilst I’m sat down in the shower. 

That Monday feeling…!!!!!! 


Historic times indeed. There's a lot of uncertainty atm and the political climate is rough.

I'm wishing for some form of positive changes to come out of this, and hopefully no war. Please stay safe ☮️ 🙏

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Stay safe Lolita.

While I recognize the anger and grief over such a tragedy, how does riots ever make things better? Violence only begets more violence. It risks harming more people, leading to similar tragedies to the one you were outraged about in the first place. And it puts you in a bad light, making most less likely to listen. Protest all you want, but do it peacefully.

As Ghandi said, an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth leaves the world blind and toothless.

Sadly, misinformation has lead to a situation that now threatens even more people.


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