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Diary Of A Redhead


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I could sit and watch in secret, Jude Law smoking, all day 🤣


Cheeky charisma from his upheld toe to the throw back of the neck! 

My weakness is - anyone who is mischievous. For friend, foe, or love.




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I love you,

more than you’ll ever know.

And for someone who always has a lot to say, 

I can’t find the words when it comes to you.



One Lucky Gal




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2 hours ago, mylolita said:

My opinion on Dating Sites?


Don’t expect to eat a filet mignon at a buffet. 


lol I just got a text from my close friend who met his wife on a dating site in the late 90s.  She is filet mignon for sure.  Lovely person in every way.  They've been married over 20 years, two lovely kids in college now.  

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3 hours ago, mylolita said:

My opinion on Dating Sites?


Don’t expect to eat a filet mignon at a buffet. 


Awe, it certainly seems so. My cousin is a decorated U.S. air force pilot and terrific guy he met his lovely filet mignon, and he is the lobster. They made a perfect surf and turf. 😅

It's hard to date when you're in the military so he found success with a dating site and met her by pure luck (they lived on opposite coasts and accidentally matched).

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7 hours ago, Batya33 said:

lol I just got a text from my close friend who met his wife on a dating site in the late 90s.  She is filet mignon for sure.  Lovely person in every way.  They've been married over 20 years, two lovely kids in college now.  

Women were a lot classier in the 90s Batya! 


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7 hours ago, yogacat said:

Awe, it certainly seems so. My cousin is a decorated U.S. air force pilot and terrific guy he met his lovely filet mignon, and he is the lobster. They made a perfect surf and turf. 😅

It's hard to date when you're in the military so he found success with a dating site and met her by pure luck (they lived on opposite coasts and accidentally matched).

I have learnt two things from writing this journal since 2009.


1. People purposefully take everything absolutely literally, and can’t understand subtle exaggeration and humour for written effect. They want that “ha ha gotcha, I got an exception to the rule!” moment for themselves and…


2. …they don’t know how to read a coverline!

Some people meet their spouses whilst incarcerated. I’m not gonna make my case for jail time dating either! 

My Uncle road off into the sunset (for a time!) with a woman he met whilst playing online bingo obsessively. 

Ya’ll still going to be sifting through a lot of past-the-sell-by-date mac ‘n’ cheese. Most likely also picking up some food bug along the way. To put it subtly - herpes.


Come up with a better headline at me because you’re reading my kinda broad sheet, and I’m not selling ‘The Cover All Bases Including Every Possibility Mundane Please You Kindly Platitude Times!’

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2 hours ago, mylolita said:

People purposefully take everything absolutely literally, and can’t understand subtle exaggeration and humour for written effect. They want that “ha ha gotcha, I got an exception to the rule!” moment for themselves and…

I think it's harder with typed words from a stranger - I took that particular sentence in the same way as Yogacat did. By contrast I'm reading the last novel of a favorite author as I hear she's retiring! I don't know her but I'm used to her writing style so there'd be little chance of my taking something literally. 

I've seen what you've written as humorous/exaggeration many many times.

You've voiced  your opinions of what you refer to as online dating (as do many -I don't -I didn't date online ever and I think dating online or having a romantic interaction online has nothing to do with dating in real life) several times (as have I) and it's obvious you're not a fan of it as a way to meet a potential spouse or serious relationship so I  took what you wrote as part of that.  Because of the past context.  I think it's generally a mistake to use online dating sites as the only way to meet a potential long term partner. I did not.  My husband had an online profile for awhile and he's filet mignon for sure 😉

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3 hours ago, mylolita said:

Women were a lot classier in the 90s Batya! 


LOLLL.  But not in the 80s?? I dated from around 1979-2005!  And some took me out for steak dinners! 😉

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5 hours ago, mylolita said:

Ya’ll still going to be sifting through a lot of past-the-sell-by-date mac ‘n’ cheese. Most likely also picking up some food bug along the way. To put it subtly - herpes.

Are you talking about online dating?

I think nowadays it's a tool to cast a wider dating net. I'm not a fan, but I also know just one success story. Eek 😇 My family friend met a handsome rich guy who shared her niche religion, and they got married within a year of knowing each other. No idea why they rushed it, but they seem at each other's levels and happy. My friend met him after going on many past-the-sell date salamis 🍕 😅

I do also have a friend who met online with and got married very quickly to a plane pilot living in a country where she wished to reside. We're talking married almost insta-quickly. He came on very serious and strong from the first date. She is aware he's her first husband and they won't make it. So does he (but maybe not to the same extent). But to the outside world they look envy-worthy.

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7 hours ago, mylolita said:

I have learnt two things from writing this journal since 2009.


1. People purposefully take everything absolutely literally, and can’t understand subtle exaggeration and humour for written effect. They want that “ha ha gotcha, I got an exception to the rule!” moment for themselves and…


2. …they don’t know how to read a coverline!

Some people meet their spouses whilst incarcerated. I’m not gonna make my case for jail time dating either! 

My Uncle road off into the sunset (for a time!) with a woman he met whilst playing online bingo obsessively. 

Ya’ll still going to be sifting through a lot of past-the-sell-by-date mac ‘n’ cheese. Most likely also picking up some food bug along the way. To put it subtly - herpes.


Come up with a better headline at me because you’re reading my kinda broad sheet, and I’m not selling ‘The Cover All Bases Including Every Possibility Mundane Please You Kindly Platitude Times!’

It's kind of like did the chicken come first or the egg with dating apps.

Does dating apps MAKE people 'buffet' material or are the already 'buffet' material so they resort to dating apps?

Either way, I have mixed feelings about dating sites. I think the intention behind dating sites was well placed but it has become a way for companies to make money off of people's desire for love and connection...

The whole, swipe right or left culture creates a "grass is always greener" mentality, where people are constantly looking for the next best thing, rather than investing time and effort into building a real connection.

So while I agree it's a bit of a buffet I think there may be some gems on dating sites, but it takes a lot of filtering and time to find them.

As for your comments, there are exceptions to every rule and people can certainly find love on dating sites. I don't think we necessarily have to resort to referring to them as not being able to "understand subtle exaggeration and humor" or labeling them as people who "can't read a coverline."

You're referring to some people looking for a connection as not being "filet mignon," which is funny, but silly.

So, thanks for the laugh...😉😅😜

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On 7/5/2024 at 11:43 AM, Batya33 said:

I think it's harder with typed words from a stranger - I took that particular sentence in the same way as Yogacat did. By contrast I'm reading the last novel of a favorite author as I hear she's retiring! I don't know her but I'm used to her writing style so there'd be little chance of my taking something literally. 

I've seen what you've written as humorous/exaggeration many many times.

You've voiced  your opinions of what you refer to as online dating (as do many -I don't -I didn't date online ever and I think dating online or having a romantic interaction online has nothing to do with dating in real life) several times (as have I) and it's obvious you're not a fan of it as a way to meet a potential spouse or serious relationship so I  took what you wrote as part of that.  Because of the past context.  I think it's generally a mistake to use online dating sites as the only way to meet a potential long term partner. I did not.  My husband had an online profile for awhile and he's filet mignon for sure 😉

I’m setting up the jail house hot seat dating Batya and at only £5.99 a month I think it’s a CYNCH 🤪🤣


First month free! 


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On 7/5/2024 at 2:34 PM, DarkCh0c0 said:

Are you talking about online dating?

I think nowadays it's a tool to cast a wider dating net. I'm not a fan, but I also know just one success story. Eek 😇 My family friend met a handsome rich guy who shared her niche religion, and they got married within a year of knowing each other. No idea why they rushed it, but they seem at each other's levels and happy. My friend met him after going on many past-the-sell date salamis 🍕 😅

I do also have a friend who met online with and got married very quickly to a plane pilot living in a country where she wished to reside. We're talking married almost insta-quickly. He came on very serious and strong from the first date. She is aware he's her first husband and they won't make it. So does he (but maybe not to the same extent). But to the outside world they look envy-worthy.

Evening Dark my delicious!!!


You don’t need it, honestly, you don’t!


Look here. The buffet analogy can come full circle. I use the word buffet as well because, how do you use it? You sit there on your couch, Wednesday night with ya hair in a telly tubby bun, and you scroll through hundreds of profiles, all saying the same thing. Enjoys new things. Likes walks while the sunsets. Has a diploma in whatever. Active. Enjoys the outdoors.

Has anyone ever come across an honest, non-generic profile? What they SHOULD read is: I’m a total slob who picks my nose. I cheated on my last girlfriend. I’m always late for work, have a bad relationship with my mother and I’m a gambling degenerate. 

It’s like you’re flicking through what to buy at the supermarket! It’s made so terribly plastic and packaged and… unimportant. It’s a samey same, low grade, tepid BUFFET of profiles! It’s a TRAVESTY DARK! 🤣 My romantic heart ACHES! 

Getting out makes people feel better. Socialising face to face feels great. Social media depresses people. Screen time makes people deflated and zombiefied. Dating sites say, “Hey you! For a small fee every month, I can find you love!” 

Someone is asking for your money, and telling you there’s an easy slack off short cut to be had. It hardly works and you’re gonna be wishing when you meet Mike, who appeared to be a scholar who skipped stones at the weekend, is a video game obsessive who can’t pitch up his pants - that you just went out to the book group, the bar, the bowling club, or the beach or whatever instead.


It does happen. People jump up and say “OOO OO I KNOW ONE I KNOW ONE!” Well, how many people are on those sites?! Why don’t we know hundreds of couples matched? Why only one… two… so few examples? 

It’s the preacher who exclaimed, “Don’t look at the other 100 failed healings, five years ago I touched this Florida Grandma and turned a cripple to walkin’!” 

Can you tell I may not be a fan? 🤣


Y’know, I like telling my kids about “the night I met your father” and there was no swiping right on him or pre-reading his hobby list or liking his photo. It was organic, natural, instinctive and when judging someone for the first time - animalistic. We are highly social animals who need all five senses to make an accurate judgement. Anything over a screen you take away at least four and you could also argue the toss that you take away sight as well as half of em’ don’t look anything like their photos anyway!


😆 x

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On 7/5/2024 at 4:10 PM, yogacat said:

It's kind of like did the chicken come first or the egg with dating apps.

Does dating apps MAKE people 'buffet' material or are the already 'buffet' material so they resort to dating apps?

Either way, I have mixed feelings about dating sites. I think the intention behind dating sites was well placed but it has become a way for companies to make money off of people's desire for love and connection...

The whole, swipe right or left culture creates a "grass is always greener" mentality, where people are constantly looking for the next best thing, rather than investing time and effort into building a real connection.

So while I agree it's a bit of a buffet I think there may be some gems on dating sites, but it takes a lot of filtering and time to find them.

As for your comments, there are exceptions to every rule and people can certainly find love on dating sites. I don't think we necessarily have to resort to referring to them as not being able to "understand subtle exaggeration and humor" or labeling them as people who "can't read a coverline."

You're referring to some people looking for a connection as not being "filet mignon," which is funny, but silly.

So, thanks for the laugh...😉😅😜

I am here to entertain and first port of call is always myself Yoga 🤣


You know it’s trash. People be salty cos I’m right 🚬🥲



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On 7/5/2024 at 11:45 AM, Batya33 said:

LOLLL.  But not in the 80s?? I dated from around 1979-2005!  And some took me out for steak dinners! 😉

Batya - you should know as you’re one class act! 

Take a bow please show us how it’s done! 

We’re losing it here in my generation!!!



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On 7/5/2024 at 11:43 AM, Batya33 said:

I think it's harder with typed words from a stranger - I took that particular sentence in the same way as Yogacat did. By contrast I'm reading the last novel of a favorite author as I hear she's retiring! I don't know her but I'm used to her writing style so there'd be little chance of my taking something literally. 

I've seen what you've written as humorous/exaggeration many many times.

You've voiced  your opinions of what you refer to as online dating (as do many -I don't -I didn't date online ever and I think dating online or having a romantic interaction online has nothing to do with dating in real life) several times (as have I) and it's obvious you're not a fan of it as a way to meet a potential spouse or serious relationship so I  took what you wrote as part of that.  Because of the past context.  I think it's generally a mistake to use online dating sites as the only way to meet a potential long term partner. I did not.  My husband had an online profile for awhile and he's filet mignon for sure 😉

Well I’m personally a canned peach Batya but I own it, Y’know? 🤣


My “dating” profile would be too brutally honest. Or maybe too oblique. But where we differ in opinion is, when my writing is concerned well, the reader is the wrong one, and never me of course!!


If, Dear Reader, I am unclear; I’m sorry my love but I can’t dumb it down - you’ll have to get back to Harry Potter. This is adult time; you’re past lights out 😆



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This song will forever remind me of my husband. He plays it all the time.



My baby

Don’t talk nasty about her

You ain’t even got no class

I’m gonna kick your ass


My baby

Treats me like a maharajah

Deceiving nothingness

My baby brings me happiness


Rushing on each sensation

In all the God’s creations

With hysteria of the condemned


My baby

Don’t you even talk about her

My baby’s a Brazilian times better than you 

Ah, better than you 


My baby got mystical frenzy

Tempered by an irony

Verging on blasphemy

Ah, better than you 




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1 hour ago, mylolita said:

Getting out makes people feel better. Socialising face to face feels great. Social media depresses people. Screen time makes people deflated and zombiefied. Dating sites say, “Hey you! For a small fee every month, I can find you love!” 

That is why I kept online communication to a minimum and met in person ASAP. I didn't have any SM until after I had my son or maybe while I was pregnant.  I had online penpals but not through dating sites except one friend I made originally through a dating site but we didn't meet until after I was married.  

I used dating sites only as one of many ways to make first contact. I totally agree with you as far as not dating online. 

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1 hour ago, mylolita said:

Well I’m personally a canned peach Batya but I own it, Y’know? 🤣


My “dating” profile would be too brutally honest. Or maybe too oblique. But where we differ in opinion is, when my writing is concerned well, the reader is the wrong one, and never me of course!!


If, Dear Reader, I am unclear; I’m sorry my love but I can’t dumb it down - you’ll have to get back to Harry Potter. This is adult time; you’re past lights out 😆



LOL that's funny.  I always assume typed words have downsides and can be misinterpreted.  My dating profile was clear, direct and brief.  And honest in what I shared.

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2 hours ago, mylolita said:

I am here to entertain and first port of call is always myself Yoga 🤣


You know it’s trash. People be salty cos I’m right 🚬🥲



Why are you wasting time browsing through dating sites just to encounter said garbage incarnate?😄😉

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8 hours ago, mylolita said:

Someone is asking for your money, and telling you there’s an easy slack off short cut to be had. It hardly works and you’re gonna be wishing when you meet Mike, who appeared to be a scholar who skipped stones at the weekend, is a video game obsessive who can’t pitch up his pants - that you just went out to the book group, the bar, the bowling club, or the beach or whatever instead.


It does happen. People jump up and say “OOO OO I KNOW ONE I KNOW ONE!” Well, how many people are on those sites?! Why don’t we know hundreds of couples matched? Why only one… two… so few examples? 

It’s the preacher who exclaimed, “Don’t look at the other 100 failed healings, five years ago I touched this Florida Grandma and turned a cripple to walkin’!”

I fully agree with you.

That's why I said I know one (one!) recent marriage story only, and those people rushed into marriage. We have no idea if they'll divorce, and it was proven in 2021 that "Couples who meet online six times more likely to divorce in early years of marriage, study finds". Six times!!

Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/divorce-marriage-online-dating-study-b1948675.html.

8 hours ago, mylolita said:

Y’know, I like telling my kids about “the night I met your father” and there was no swiping right on him or pre-reading his hobby list or liking his photo. It was organic, natural, instinctive and when judging someone for the first time - animalistic. We are highly social animals who need all five senses to make an accurate judgement. Anything over a screen you take away at least four and you could also argue the toss that you take away sight as well as half of em’ don’t look anything like their photos anyway

I hope I'll have a cute story to share too! 🥰

Better than:

Mom: So, I swiped on your father.

Children: Gasp 😮

Mom: I swiped right. Right! Sigh...

Children: 😪😁 as they keep obsessively swiping on their cyborg dating app in 2041.

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