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@mylolita do you set up and take care of your apartment by yourself? (Art work, déco, flowers, and so forth)

6 hours ago, mylolita said:

They don’t see it coming because they don’t understand, presuming everyone else thinks like them and basking in their (incorrect) righteous, “good” thinking. 

We are in an accelerating age of newspeak unfortunately.

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1 hour ago, DarkCh0c0 said:

@mylolita do you set up and take care of your apartment by yourself? (Art work, déco, flowers, and so forth)

We are in an accelerating age of newspeak unfortunately.

Evening Dark! 

It’s a Victorian house by the ocean! 

It was an absolute undertaking of a full renovation! It took nearly 3 years from ground work to a full re-wire to plastering to vaulting the 3rd floor and putting in 4 huge sky lights, and much more! It was a job but a labour of love!


Not our first rodeo either! Our previous house was also a huge renovation and was a Georgian 4 storey town house built in 1745 (I found out you are only ever the custodian of historic deeds but, aren’t you ever only a custodian of anything in life, right?!) 


I do everything myself! I’m a full time housewife and mother - a strange traditionalist in a way! I do all my cleaning and decorating and both me and my husband love interiors. We designed both houses from what walls to knock out through to paint colours and kitchen layouts and all the other little things. He’s an art dealer for work (we both love art, especially portraits actually, it’s a real obsession!) 


I pick flowers all the time or, I have a few places locally I go to buy flowers religiously but I always make up my own bouquets! I’ve done this from being about 7. Me and my sister shared a room up until I left home at 18 and she said it used to drive her nuts because I’d be bringing a plant in I’d bought with my weeks pocket money or swapping a terracotta pot out of Mums garden to make a “rustic bouquet arrangement” for the windowsill 🤣 🌹 

My middle daughter who is 4, picked these two stems of wild orchids that happened to be growing nestled up along our morning school route two days ago!!!


Never personally seen orchids growing in the wild and especially somewhere so “normal”! 😍


Do you like flowers? I’m no technical expert at all (that’s my Aunts territory!) but I appreciate them to the moon and back! I used to even arrange a mini vase for my desk at work when I used to slog it out in an office… way back when! 



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Maybe I should crack on with bambino numero 4 then! 🥰

My kids have finished me off with cuteness today. I don’t know how I’m even here; sitting, breathing - surviving it all. I might be gone by tomorrow. Killed via bliss and wonderment. Not a bad way to go, not one bit. 


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22 minutes ago, mylolita said:

Do you like flowers? I’m no technical expert at all (that’s my Aunts territory!) but I appreciate them to the moon and back! I used to even arrange a mini vase for my desk at work when I used to slog it out in an office… way back when! 

I love them. I wish to be able to manage my future home the way you seem to do it; artful and uplifting. Full of life.

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I just… I just experienced, lived through… the perfect hour. 

As if summer has this second arrived, the whole day has been glorious sun and dry heat. The air smelt - delicious. 

My youngest baby, lil Nee, took herself downstairs, fresh out of her bath, soap scent following, bringing up a struggling bundle of small cars in her arms. The simplicity, and newness, of her yellow and white striped t-shirt hanging baggy and comfortably on her tiny body, melted my heart and killed me twice. I could hear the wiz of metal cars pelting down her toy garage bridge from the room next door. 


Putting her to sleep wasn’t any different than any other night that had come before. She asked me to shake out my hair so she could arrange it, smoothing my cheek so tenderly I died again! Then making my head turn using her free hand to “do the back”. She giggled joyously as I did the same routine, traditional and private jokes - reading her favourite books. Her heavy warmth through two fleece blankets was bliss on earth. 

I told her I loved her so. I kissed her a million times on a rosy, chub cheek. When you kiss a cheek like that, your lips kind of… sink into it for a split second. Entering another universe. You are temporarily granted entrance through True Loves Gate.


She breathed “byyyyyyiiie” to me from her crib, tucked in, as the light dimmed hazily. Repeating good nights, I left the door a jar; like always, like every time. 

I head downstairs and my oldest two are sat talking and laughing on the couch with their favourite cartoons. I say, “Can I watch chiddlers, how about it?!” And my son chimes up, in his eternally optimistic tone, “Of course Mam! You have to count the wishes! See! Look!” 

My daughters petite legs are slung over one arm of a pin striped chair. She has her blanket wrapped around her like an Egyptian Queen, or a newborn puppy. I can’t decide. 

I just sit with them. I hold my boy. My curly haired bestie shuffles over and snuggles into my free side. We run to get crackers and cheese. Then it’s time for bed. They playfully pester me, because Dad’s away, to “Play with us Mam! Play! 5 minutes!”


Before I know it I’m a kid again, right down to their floor level. My son is emptying out a set of mini figure dinosaurs. He knows all the weird, intricate names of the less famous ones. Blows me away, everytime. I pretend to nibble him, then I say, “Where did you learn that?!” And he’s laughing, trying to get me back on and focused with their setting up. Tiny plastic dinosaurs are lined up around a rocking chair legs, under one bed, beside a bookcase. “Ohhh I don’t know Mam! Just my head! I can’t remember! Three minutes has been now we need to get on!” 

I spend the next half an hour completely lost. All my future plans, my jobs needing doing - my self consciousness and my inner chatter - is gone. It’s gone to a world where little dinosaurs have to go to the vets, but not until they’ve battled each other (we’re dino trainers, dion’tchaknow?!). The washer washes. The birds sing. The sun sets. I wouldn’t know. All I can do is hug and joke and squeeze my babies that, I seemed to hold only last week as babies, surely? Surely, I brought them home, everything unknown and magical and scary - a year, no, a month back?! 

I wanted it to last forever. If I’d been consumed by external things, and myself, I would have cried happy, deeply happy tears, and maybe never stopped.


Now they’re in bed, sleeping like angels - angels that are somehow here, and I have permission to think and notice and cry. 

The perfect couple of hours. I forgot myself and realised them, in their purest, most beautiful form. The simplicity, the normality - is often the biggest thing. Those are the times that get you. 

It’s not the fan fares. The life events. The huge occasions or the milestones. It’s a warm, tiny, familiar hand, gently, slowly, smoothing your hair. It’s the way your son smiles, so quick and honest, revealing white, impish teeth. It’s a blonde curl. Your daughters breath. The way her foot rests on the carpet, heavenly little toes in rose pink and Cornish cream. Eyes looking at you. Eyes when they look, say over and over - “I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.”


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18 minutes ago, DarkCh0c0 said:

I love them. I wish to be able to manage my future home the way you seem to do it; artful and uplifting. Full of life.

Dark you are too kind!


You’ll do better!!!


It doesn’t matter about taste or fashion or any of that. Always create a place, decorate it - for your true feelings and self. In the past, and even here, I have caught myself making decisions to impress people. That’s not the path to an authentic interior. Impress - yourself! And please yourself, above all, when it comes to your home! 

Enjoy it! It’s a sanctuary and a protective shell. I always think it’s not everything and looks don’t matter, but to fluff and enjoy and pamper yourself through your surroundings - to bring yourself joy in that way - is a cool thing if you like doing it! 


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4 minutes ago, mylolita said:

and pamper yourself through your surroundings - to bring yourself joy in that way - is a cool thing if you like doing it! 

I'm like that -oddly maybe? About making up a comfy bed with nice linens, blankets/fluffy pillows and I love my full body pillow too. Or -maybe also odd- making up a sofa as a "bed" - making it sort of a comfy nest just for me. I have no interest in anything else to do with the home/interior surroundings.  I do love seeking out surroundings outside -nature - I love art museums and I do enjoy touring historic homes. I lived a 10 minute walk from Central Park in NYC for many years and now we live down the block from a park like that and I love seeing it early morning when we leave our building when we have to go to the school bus, etc.

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9 hours ago, mylolita said:

Another fantasy dinner guest - DOUGLAS MURRAY! 

The last of the British gents! 

You are villanised for being proud of your heritage, wanting to preserve cultural traditions - being concerned with mass illegal immigration, and the constant media pro-war propaganda for a socialists regime. What the people want - the quiet mass, the normal, common sense people - is always a surprise and a mystery to the loud, obnoxious shouting alternatives. 

They don’t see it coming because they don’t understand, presuming everyone else thinks like them and basking in their (incorrect) righteous, “good” thinking. 

The UK has always been an outlier island and separate to the motions and thinking of Europe, but we are still connected in plenty of ways. We are having our own movement. If it doesn’t come this election; I am sure it will arrive next. 


The courage to publicly say what you think is never lost on me, and bowls me over every time, without exception.


Love Douglas, he is so eloquent and a skilled debater . 

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9 hours ago, Seraphim said:

Love Douglas, he is so eloquent and a skilled debater . 

Thanks Seraphim! 

I think this election, the UK will see a huge shift with the Conservative Party being knocked off for the first time in modern history and Reform UK coming in. I think maybe Nigel Farage will be PM soon - in the next few years at least. I wonder if my feelings are right? He is our, less cool, less bombastic, less rich version of a Trump movement 🤣

It reminds me of the unknown tension before Brexit. No one openly thought the country would vote to leave, but myself like so many others voted out. I remember going into the office the next day and, that was a fantastic day, it really was. I didn’t say hardly a thing. Everyone was shell shocked and I was delighted!!


The politicians and a certain section of the general public, frankly, sh*t a brick, because we briefly; accidentally, were delivered a shot of true democracy, and the common people turned em’ out! 



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It’s very likely there are dimensions we don’t have access to, and other senses we couldn’t even comprehend. 

If you think too long; look to the sky too much - it’ll make you crazy. 


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I’m obsessed with tonic water. Have been for years.


I was honestly at a loose end when the midwife told me I couldn’t drink it during pregnancy. The quinine in large volumes, I think they suspect it could potentially cause miscarriages. 

I’m starting up a club soon:

‘Tonic Water Anonymous’🥤 



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The weather has finally broke into beautiful, relentless warmth and sunshine. Exactly how summer should be.


I took all the bambino’s down to the beach after my son came home from school.


The sea had formed this idyllic natural paddling pool which was huge, and too deep for my kids in the centre, but the straggling kids of 5 and 6pm were congregating around the edges like buffalo at the watering hole. 

I was about to take 15 more minutes then start packing up, when a bunch of about 10 fourteen or so year olds came shouting their mouths off, using bad language. I shouted, “Excuse me!” And caught the ring leader. A fat brown haired boy with boobs bigger than my own and bright red shorts on. “Watch your language please; I have small kids here.” He looked me in the eye then went back to swimming. At least it stopped. 

This seems to be a bit of a trend with me. Unknown to my future self, 10% of parenting was gonna be me telling sassy loud mouth tweens to stop their talk!


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When you look back, and realise all the photos taken of you either caught you daydreaming, or reading. 

Scotland, and my beret, on a very cold Autumn day.


Waiting to board a flight wearing a silk 1920s turban - Menorca, Mahon. 




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They were always laughing at stupid things 

They didn’t much care for anything else

Cos all they wanted to do was be with each other

Sitting on the grass in the summer breeze

Looking at the wind tease the leaves, tease the leaves

Always together

Girl you’re so loveable,






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