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Diary Of A Redhead


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3 minutes ago, dias said:

91 chick?😎 she must be cool!

Funny thing, my brother is your age, June 89!

I like nightmares!  They make me sweat :classic_cool:

Exactly, time for a change!

Don't tell me he is one of those wannabe crypto millionaires

Yeah, 89 people are actually the best, it‘s a fact 🥲🤣 


And why did I just know you were the younger sibling! Do not please, take this the wrong way, but I can tell you are not the eldest! My sister is the same way! I definitely have the serious, eldest sibling vibe 🤓


Aaaaaaand no ya don’t Dias! Not in reality! 🤪 Wanna go bald and broke and have a heart attack?! LOL! 

And yes he is. Unfortunately. The only other person in the whole world who knows less about computers than me! 

Oh man I would be getting in SO MUCH if they read this! But to be honest, it’s always so awkward when I see them both (last time, at the after gathering at our Grandma’s funeral), because the couple of weeks before I had openly told her he needs to put a ring on it if that’s what she wants and stop being an absolute joke passing her off with these ridiculous excuses and telling her, “Oh darling but, we need to have a 20k wedding and I don’t have it yet!” YEAH! He never will! Talk about a hamster wheel love! Wake up! 

And he knew I had said all this. Queue us, standing in the middle of my deceased Grandma’s curling edged lino kitchen floor, the smell of cold sausage rolls piled up from the buffet on the table. “Hi Lola.” Sheepish. I remember that time he told me he once had a dream about sleeping with me. Awkward smile. “Hey Vincent. Put a ring on it yet?”



My sister hates me. I feel justified in disliking her but, we do rub each other up the wrong way. It’s so nice you get on well with your brother. I really wish I had that.






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22 minutes ago, mylolita said:

And why did I just know you were the younger sibling! Do not please, take this the wrong way, but I can tell you are not the eldest! My sister is the same way! I definitely have the serious, eldest sibling vibe 🤓

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok, how did you know I was the younger one? I am curious to hear hahahaha

22 minutes ago, mylolita said:

Aaaaaaand no ya don’t Dias! Not in reality! 🤪 Wanna go bald and broke and have a heart attack?! LOL! 

I am going to have a heart attack or cancer anyway (hereditary factors), at least it would worth it this way 😘

22 minutes ago, mylolita said:

And yes he is. Unfortunately. The only other person in the whole world who knows less about computers than me! 

Hahahaha she is going to wait for another 10 years then until it's too late. But hey she might be in love with him, can't do anything about it. 


22 minutes ago, mylolita said:

because the couple of weeks before I had openly told her he needs to put a ring on it if that’s what she wants and stop being an absolute joke passing her off with these ridiculous excuses and telling her, “Oh darling but, we need to have a 20k wedding and I don’t have it yet!” YEAH! He never will! Talk about a hamster wheel love! Wake up! 

Yeah the cost of the wedding is a good excuse although as old as the hills. It works.


22 minutes ago, mylolita said:

My sister hates me. I feel justified in disliking her but, we do rub each other up the wrong way. It’s so nice you get on well with your brother. I really wish I had that.

Ah, that's unfortunate. I am very similar with my brother in some things and the polar opposite in other things  but we get along very well. His spending habits, his competitive nature and his rationality drive me nuts sometimes. In conversations he uses this technique https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_and_rationality and he always end up being the right one which really pisses me off. This way you will always find holes in an opinion and he knows that. I just don't argue with him anymore lol

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49 minutes ago, dias said:

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok, how did you know I was the younger one? I am curious to hear hahahaha

I am going to have a heart attack or cancer anyway (hereditary factors), at least it would worth it this way 😘

Hahahaha she is going to wait for another 10 years then until it's too late. But hey she might be in love with him, can't do anything about it. 


Yeah the cost of the wedding is a good excuse although as old as the hills. It works.


Ah, that's unfortunate. I am very similar with my brother in some things and the polar opposite in other things  but we get along very well. His spending habits, his competitive nature and his rationality drive me nuts sometimes. In conversations he uses this technique https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_and_rationality and he always end up being the right one which really pisses me off. This way you will always find holes in an opinion and he knows that. I just don't argue with him anymore lol



It’s gonna sound like bs when I say I knew but, I just DID! I don’t really know why! I feel like older siblings and younger siblings act differently; and it’s pretty universal. You have a way of, mischief making in some sense and having a giggle and a taunt that is different to the way an older sibling would do it. I can’t even put my finger on it. It’s not immaturity or anything like that, it’s a way of thinking and phasing things. I can completely imagine your talks with your older brother. OH MY GOD! My sister would say the EXACT same thing about ME! That you have just said about your brother 🤣


It might be an annoying talking down aspect older siblings have to their younger ones. You were always top team leader 🤣 you protected them. Older siblings have a very protective nature. Even though I can’t stand my sister, I stick up for her often and would die for her still. I held her hand when she was a baby. I have heard her cry in the night on the bunk bed beneath me, got inside the covers with her and made up daft songs to make her laugh. I used to quickly glance around the playground to see if she was okay without her knowing. I have been there in her times of crisis. Whether I handled them well, some not, others yes. Our feelings for each other always get in the way. I am not perfect by the way, I have said sorry to her plenty of times and really meant it.

Older siblings have this air. They have a big sense of principle and responsibility. I don’t know what it is. Man, I wish I could tell ya! Some writer ay! 


Young siblings say, my eldest sibling fights dirty. Elder siblings say, my youngest sibling doesn’t know what they are talking about. They should listen too me. LOL! Does that sound familiar? That is the dynamic between me and my sister, honestly. We both annoy each other.


My sister is the exact opposite to me in every way. Which is probably a good thing - HA! Long, dark straight hair. Taller. Skinnier! I have no boobs, she definitely DOES! I am confident, she is not. I did well in school, she didn’t. She had loads of boyfriends, I didn’t. She is way more relaxed in most ways, I can be very uptight. She isn’t materialistic, I am. She isn’t traditional, I am. We even disagree politically. Just, everything. She claims to not want marriage yet begged him to get engaged. I see her as very dishonest, I see myself as sometimes a bit too honest. She’s rough around the edges, I’m put together. She has her own career, I am a stay at home mum. She’s better at maths, I’m better at music. She’s loud, I’m fairly quietly spoken. She loves to party, I hated it. She did drugs, I didn’t. She smokes, I don‘t.

We have completely different wants and desires and you couldn’t get two minds further apart. But, she is a good girl, but not the girl for me! Or, friend material. We are there interacting because we are family. I am an inward mess, she can be an outward mess. She has her stuff together much more often than me though! To her credit! I still see her as about 21. I suppose I will always see her as little. She’s my little sister! I don’t know. She can bake, I can’t. LOL! We could go on 🤣 



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39 minutes ago, mylolita said:



It’s gonna sound like bs when I say I knew but, I just DID! I don’t really know why! I feel like older siblings and younger siblings act differently; and it’s pretty universal. You have a way of, mischief making in some sense and having a giggle and a taunt that is different to the way an older sibling would do it. I can’t even put my finger on it. It’s not immaturity or anything like that, it’s a way of thinking and phasing things. I can completely imagine your talks with your older brother. OH MY GOD! My sister would say the EXACT same thing about ME! That you have just said about your brother 🤣


Yes younger siblings tend to be more mischievous and naughty and a bit slier (I always beat my brother at chess, he is way smarter than me in terms of IQ but I am always a few steps ahead lol). I guess it's because you have to survive somehow, I couldn't beat him physically since he is much taller and stronger so I had to use my brain lol 

49 minutes ago, mylolita said:


It might be an annoying talking down aspect older siblings have to their younger ones. You were always top team leader 🤣 you protected them. Older siblings have a very protective nature. Even though I can’t stand my sister, I stick up for her often and would die for her still. I held her hand when she was a baby. I have heard her cry in the night on the bunk bed beneath me, got inside the covers with her and made up daft songs to make her laugh. I used to quickly glance around the playground to see if she was okay without her knowing. I have been there in her times of crisis. Whether I handled them well, some not, others yes. Our feelings for each other always get in the way. I am not perfect by the way, I have said sorry to her plenty of times and really meant it.

Older siblings have this air. They have a big sense of principle and responsibility. I don’t know what it is. Man, I wish I could tell ya! Some writer ay! 



52 minutes ago, mylolita said:

My sister is the exact opposite to me in every way. Which is probably a good thing - HA! Long, dark straight hair. Taller. Skinnier! I have no boobs, she definitely DOES! I am confident, she is not. I did well in school, she didn’t. She had loads of boyfriends, I didn’t. She is way more relaxed in most ways, I can be very uptight. She isn’t materialistic, I am. She isn’t traditional, I am. We even disagree politically. Just, everything. She claims to not want marriage yet begged him to get engaged. I see her as very dishonest, I see myself as sometimes a bit too honest. She’s rough around the edges, I’m put together. She has her own career, I am a stay at home mum. She’s better at maths, I’m better at music. She’s loud, I’m fairly quietly spoken. She loves to party, I hated it. She did drugs, I didn’t. She smokes, I don‘t.

I think I would get along with your sister:classic_cool: And I keep my promises! 😘

British brunettes are so sexy, hotter than blondes!  Are you sure she is still seeing that guy lol

55 minutes ago, mylolita said:

We have completely different wants and desires and you couldn’t get two minds further apart. But, she is a good girl, but not the girl for me! Or, friend material. We are there interacting because we are family. I am an inward mess, she can be an outward mess. She has her stuff together much more often than me though! To her credit! I still see her as about 21. I suppose I will always see her as little. She’s my little sister! I don’t know. She can bake, I can’t. LOL! We could go on 🤣 


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I am the eldest of all of us. I have my biological sibling I was raised with and 3 step siblings. There is me , one of my step brothers, my biological brother and another step brother and then my step sister is the baby. She is 44 this year. But people can definitely tell I am the eldest. I am bossy, in charge and run a tight ship… lol. 

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32 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I am the eldest of all of us. I have my biological sibling I was raised with and 3 step siblings. There is me , one of my step brothers, my biological brother and another step brother and then my step sister is the baby. She is 44 this year. But people can definitely tell I am the eldest. I am bossy, in charge and run a tight ship… lol. 



Seraphim you have proved my theory I elite you hahahahahahaha! 

We eldest ones get a bad rep but… promise, everything will run smoothly if you just, do as we say? 🤣



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6 minutes ago, mylolita said:



Seraphim you have proved my theory I elite you hahahahahahaha! 

We eldest ones get a bad rep but… promise, everything will run smoothly if you just, do as we say? 🤣



Hahaha the sad part is my husband is also the eldest. He is 23 months older then his sister. I am 3.5 years older than my brother. And our child is what is called a Super Only, which the only child of two firstborns. Both my parents are also firstborns. My husband’s mother was a firstborn but his dad was second of 4. 

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3 hours ago, Seraphim said:

Hahaha the sad part is my husband is also the eldest. He is 23 months older then his sister. I am 3.5 years older than my brother. And our child is what is called a Super Only, which the only child of two firstborns. Both my parents are also firstborns. My husband’s mother was a firstborn but his dad was second of 4. 

Now THAT is interesting! 

My husband is the youngest. It was him and his sister, there is a fairly big age gap of 5 years, they also never got on. Strangely he doesn’t act like a younger sibling, he seems more like an only child to me. Maybe he kind of was, his sister didn’t have anything to do with him and she had started school by time he was born. They never played or hung around each other when they got older, and went into their separate rooms.


I often wonder what the dynamic of three will be. With having worked with plenty of children Seraphim, what’s your opinion on middle children? 🥲 My middle daughter is always after attention the most it seems. I always give her extra; it’s never enough! I sometimes find myself thinking, is this middle child syndrome or is she just very cuddly and cute. She says to me, “Mammy, you are my buuesst freend!” (She’s two and a half). She wants to do everything I do. It’s a lovely girlie bond! My son is way more independent and easily amuses himself. My third baby girl at the mo seems to be, off the charts chilled out, smiley, a bundle of joy! 

I actually don’t know how you have the energy to survive running a daycare!! Hats off!



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3 hours ago, Seraphim said:

Hahaha the sad part is my husband is also the eldest. He is 23 months older then his sister. I am 3.5 years older than my brother. And our child is what is called a Super Only, which the only child of two firstborns. Both my parents are also firstborns. My husband’s mother was a firstborn but his dad was second of 4. 

*salute you 🤣

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I think it is her age more that she wants you as a best friend . I have 3 three year olds right now. The boys are a little more independent emotionally . She wants more of my attention. But in other ways she is more independent and fearsome than the two boys put together. As she gets older she may grow to be more independent. 

All my little butter muffins just went home . Sigh. It was REALLY rough on Tuesday with my head ratcheting off but as you know when you have to do something you just do it. I think I am retiring at 60 though because it is a lot of work. 

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My sister and I are both firstborns! I'm adopted and definitely a firstborn to my two teenaged bioparents, and my sister is the first biological child of my adoptive parents. 

I have four biological half siblings. Only one of them talks to me (so far). She is also an illegitimate child (our biodad had an affair!!). Our legitimate siblings don't seem too interested in knowing us. The eldest of them actually blocked me on Ancestry when I first reached out four years ago. I think he was devastated to learn that he isn't truly a firstborn 🤣

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2 hours ago, Jibralta said:

My sister and I are both firstborns! I'm adopted and definitely a firstborn to my two teenaged bioparents, and my sister is the first biological child of my adoptive parents. 

I have four biological half siblings. Only one of them talks to me (so far). She is also an illegitimate child (our biodad had an affair!!). Our legitimate siblings don't seem too interested in knowing us. The eldest of them actually blocked me on Ancestry when I first reached out four years ago. I think he was devastated to learn that he isn't truly a firstborn 🤣

It must be hard on his end. He had to grow up with him as a dad, and then to find out there's other kids and all these things that would be hard to hear about your dad, even as an adult. 

My brothers SO found out some years back that her dad had been having affairs and there was secret girlfriends and kids. It devastated her for a while. She hasn't reached out to them yet, maybe she will one day?, but yeah it's sad because all the kids are just innocent people who got dragged into someone else's mess. 

I'm first born too btw lol. 

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2 minutes ago, itsallgrand said:

It must be hard on his end. He had to grow up with him as a dad, and then to find out there's other kids and all these things that would be hard to hear about your dad, even as an adult. 

I expected more poise and introspection from them. I know what I was able to handle, even as a 14 year old. I thought they would have that same strength. I feel almost embarrassed for them. 

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1 hour ago, Jibralta said:

I expected more poise and introspection from them. I know what I was able to handle, even as a 14 year old. I thought they would have that same strength. I feel almost embarrassed for them. 

Wow, that's a strong reaction and expectation. 

I don't mean to hijack this journal too much but I've been reading all you are writing about trying to connect with your bio fam, and I'm soaking in the unique perspective.. part of it is that my SO has been talking more about connecting with his bio fam lately. 

I'm surprised you are upset at the siblings who didn't know and are handling it by shutting you out, but I'm also just trying to understand. 


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13 hours ago, Seraphim said:

I think it is her age more that she wants you as a best friend . I have 3 three year olds right now. The boys are a little more independent emotionally . She wants more of my attention. But in other ways she is more independent and fearsome than the two boys put together. As she gets older she may grow to be more independent. 

All my little butter muffins just went home . Sigh. It was REALLY rough on Tuesday with my head ratcheting off but as you know when you have to do something you just do it. I think I am retiring at 60 though because it is a lot of work. 

I don’t blame you Seraphim!


If I ever need insight, hope you don’t mind if I give you a buzz! My son is 4 (Birthday was January) my daughter 2.5 and my other daughter 8 months. 

Very tight knit little unit we are! But I still don’t know how ya do it!



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13 hours ago, Jibralta said:

My sister and I are both firstborns! I'm adopted and definitely a firstborn to my two teenaged bioparents, and my sister is the first biological child of my adoptive parents. 

I have four biological half siblings. Only one of them talks to me (so far). She is also an illegitimate child (our biodad had an affair!!). Our legitimate siblings don't seem too interested in knowing us. The eldest of them actually blocked me on Ancestry when I first reached out four years ago. I think he was devastated to learn that he isn't truly a firstborn 🤣



Of course you came first! 🤣





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10 hours ago, itsallgrand said:

It must be hard on his end. He had to grow up with him as a dad, and then to find out there's other kids and all these things that would be hard to hear about your dad, even as an adult. 

My brothers SO found out some years back that her dad had been having affairs and there was secret girlfriends and kids. It devastated her for a while. She hasn't reached out to them yet, maybe she will one day?, but yeah it's sad because all the kids are just innocent people who got dragged into someone else's mess. 

I'm first born too btw lol. 

First borns ahoy round here!



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8 hours ago, itsallgrand said:

Wow, that's a strong reaction and expectation. 

I don't mean to hijack this journal too much but I've been reading all you are writing about trying to connect with your bio fam, and I'm soaking in the unique perspective.. part of it is that my SO has been talking more about connecting with his bio fam lately. 

I'm surprised you are upset at the siblings who didn't know and are handling it by shutting you out, but I'm also just trying to understand. 


No problem at all it’s all - hijack away!


Nice to hear someone else apart from myself sounding off! 

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Sneaking in here.

I love reading your journal, Lo. Seraphim's right, you write really well!

It's so good to read all of your posts and find out more tidbits about each of you. (Lo, Seraphim, AllGrand, Dias, Jibralta).

So often I just stick to the main posts and actually forget about the personal journals.

But when I find them again, I am not only so impressed by how well everyone writes, but how interesting each and every one of you are.

Your plate sounds so full, Lo.

I hope you're taking time for yourself too? I know as a Mum it can be very difficult to find time for that, but it's so crucial as well.

5 am here, and having trouble sleeping. 

I guess I'd better go try again. xxx

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3 hours ago, mylolita said:

I don’t blame you Seraphim!


If I ever need insight, hope you don’t mind if I give you a buzz! My son is 4 (Birthday was January) my daughter 2.5 and my other daughter 8 months. 

Very tight knit little unit we are! But I still don’t know how ya do it!



I will help if I can. But I think it is age and a new sibling that have tied your middle one to you like glue. I find many little girls like that at that age. 

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2 hours ago, SherrySher said:

Sneaking in here.

I love reading your journal, Lo. Seraphim's right, you write really well!

It's so good to read all of your posts and find out more tidbits about each of you. (Lo, Seraphim, AllGrand, Dias, Jibralta).

So often I just stick to the main posts and actually forget about the personal journals.

But when I find them again, I am not only so impressed by how well everyone writes, but how interesting each and every one of you are.

Your plate sounds so full, Lo.

I hope you're taking time for yourself too? I know as a Mum it can be very difficult to find time for that, but it's so crucial as well.

5 am here, and having trouble sleeping. 

I guess I'd better go try again. xxx


Sherry-oh Sherry-oh baaaybieeee! 😘


Hahahah! Ohhhh my! Thank you thank you!


I came here for a question, and stayed for the journal! I was intrigued and delighted to find this virtual journal option here, I think it’s absolutely the BEST part of this site! 

It’s a nice comfort to have somewhere to splurge all your thoughts. I’m so glad you enjoy reading everyone’s stuff; tell you the truth, so do I! I’m totally addicted!


I find everyone in life is very interesting. That sounds corny doesn’t it but, really, everyone is. If you get to properly know someone. People go through a lot and have some wild and lovely and normal things happen too them. It’s so captivating! I am nosey and weirdly into all the mundane boring routine stuff, everyday stuff people think and do! That stuff is the best stuff for me! 

And I guess it is Sherry, but then again, I look to Mums who have 5 kids and work at the same time and say, I have it easy! Sometimes my days are absolutely gorgeous! I enjoy every second! Some days, woah, I am tired and not feeling even keeled at all. I have to try to take it easy and not mentally bash myself. I’m sure so many people do that to themselves and we should really stop the endless criticism and down talk. I have a little dictator in my brain sometimes! Stops me appreciating the lovely moments. You’re right.


Time to myself is probably writing here, checking this forum. I do a bit of yoga, I’m starting a local class soon. I get to go to dinner with a few old friends, few new ones every couple of months. We’re renovating in a big way our new house. It’s nice busy. I know there will be a time when everyone leaves and the tumble weed blows and I will, truly, probably, be devastated! 

You have to let what you love go, don’t you. Never so painfully experienced I am just finding out is that exact sentiment when you have children. My eldest son will be starting school in another year and the thought of him being gone and off, five days a week, after being here with us all, every single day… I’m not gonna lie, I feel very emotional about it. We have already put him back a year for school. He is going to start at 5. I will be going over the basics and home schooling him in a casual way starting from September. We only just confirmed that decision today, me and the husband! 

Anyway, Sherry! Your advice is always so welcome, so warm! You take care as well! And, I hope you are feeling better and your heart is nice and steady, just like your head!


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41 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I will help if I can. But I think it is age and a new sibling that have tied your middle one to you like glue. I find many little girls like that at that age. 

Thanks Seraphim!


I did think, new baby! But, she was just as clingy before I even fell pregnant! Maybe this might be her personality? It is very adorable; I actually don’t mind it. It’s only a nuisance if we need to be someplace in a rush and her favourite line is, “Wanna cuudddlllleeee!” 🤣


If I bend down on all fours to get something from under a sofa or wipe something… she jumps and attaches onto my back like a blonde curly haired sea urchin and I end up hooking her legs under my arms and piggy backing her round the house for a bit. It’s become a game now I think! My son never asks for a cuddle but sometimes just comes up and gives me such a heartfelt one, or at random moments he will look me in the eye and say, “Mammy, I love you”. You can tell the feeling has just suddenly washed over him, because it’s never when he would be expected to say it, like bedtime, he never does then - it always catches me off guard in the most beautiful way! 

I do love em’ Seraphim! So so much! 

We were at the beach a few mornings ago and an older man and his wife walked by. He looked a bit choked up. He smiled sadly and said, “Those are happy days. Enjoy them while they last.” He then started saying something too his wife as they walked away and she squeezed his arm. Maybe they were remembering their own young children. I couldn’t guess, but, it  made me feel like, if I’m lucky, me and my husband could be that old couple walking the beach, our children grown with children of their own, and I could be suddenly transported back to those fly by days of having young babies, on seeing a young mum with hers about her feet, laughing in the wind. I would like to think, for me, personally, that would be my greatest, sweetest honour. I would probably have a tear down my cheek too.


My Mum, she cried for weeks after I left home. I never knew. One of her old friends told me she had been on the phone to her nearly every night. I left so suddenly without a care for them, obsessed with doing my own thing and caught up in my first love and whirlwind romance. I was too selfish to think of my parents, especially my Mum. Only now, as a parent myself, can I begin to imagine how she might of felt.


I actually apologised too her, I think around the time my son turned 2, and my middle daughter was about 7 months old. 

I have gone back, learning things as I go, and having odd heart to hearts with my Mum, because I start to realise how big a job it was raising two girls like us and I wanted her to know that I appreciated and loved her and she did a great job. I hope I can do half as well as she did. She wasn’t perfect but, she loved us and, that’s the main thing, that’s nearly all that matters.





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Hahahahw my mum is still crying that I am gone and I am 55. When I moved from her city to far away she cried non stop for 6 months my step dad said. And my mom told me when we left and our son with us my step dad sat on the floor and cried because my son was “ gone” . Although not his biological grandchild but one had partially raised because we lived in a multigenerational house for 12 years of my son’s life. 

But , yes, enjoy this time and closeness because it is fleeting. These days I get “ whatever mum” and an eye roll at any suggestion of being together and closeness. Because he is a male child. In my heart of heart there is a tiny bit of envy for those who have girls because of their innate and intimate connection with the essence of “ mum” and a wanting to be close . I will never have that and will be alone  in that way after my mom passes. I will be afloat in a male world. 

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On 4/9/2022 at 10:32 AM, mylolita said:

I don’t really care what they choose to do Dias, as long as they are safe and happy. I don’t need them to be a doctor or a lawyer or an pilot or own a business.

I had a flashback. I don't see "scientist" or "engineer" on the list. It's not fancy enough? 

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