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I cut n i need help

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hey I got you to LOL...=)


I've never been big on walks and meditating myself, if anything it just give you more time to think...instead of finding other things to occupy yourself with.


At your age I think you are much better off being with people you care about (and care about you) instead of solitude. Less chance of cutting the less you are alone.


What kind of things do you and your BF do?


If you need more gauze, you need to see the doctor so that problem will fix itself.

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well me and my bf like dont do alot of stuff just kiss like make out cuddle n hug n stuff but like thats it i dont wanna do stuff like too fast its only been like 2 weeks and like i dk and like i need more guaze but i dont wanna go to the doctor i mean i dk if i need stiches or not i dk if its that bad or not i dk


im not big on walks either iv never tried meditating my one of my guy friends says its cool but i dk


yeppers u got me to lol lol and like yea im only 13 and like i love being with my friends but i havnt called some of em l8ly even no im like close with them i guess i dk.,.....

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well if you really want to avoid it...wrap toilet paper, napkin or a paper towel around it and use either medical tape of anything you have in the house (and I'm telling you that reluctnantly...I'd rather see you go to the dr. just in case it gets infected)


well, just hanging out kissing and cuddling and watching tv is better than sitting in your room brooding.


call up your friends though, it really helps to just go act like a goofy girl with your other girlfriends...go to a mall and make fun of people, get some really fattening food from the food court and just be absolutely silly...


sometimes, you just have to take a day and not take it so seriously...you've had a lot of crappy things happen the past few years...things that probably make you feel like you have to act older than you are...getting out with your friends you don't have to. Plus, you don't have to be around your brothers.

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i do wnt to avoid it but like i dk if its bad enough to go see the doctor and im just lost and like scared


yea i like being wit my bf but were not allowed to be in like rooms alone cuz he dad caught me on his lap and he thinks we do things so now i dk lol but yea it is better than bein at home


i should call my friends up they mean alot to me but iv been like so down these past days i havnt called anyone

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I actually doubt the cut is that bad...if you aren't soaking in blood still it's healing...I can understand you freaking out though...you think you had it under control and then out of the blue...you are going to be fine...


do you understand what drives you to cut though? Has anyone ever talked to you about it? Or is it still just something "bad" you do and you don't understand why...you just do it...


hehe...funny about his dad...at least you know he likes you if he cares to make sure the two of you behave =)


I know it sounds rediculous....but sometimes the BEST way to feel better when you just feel like a lump and don't want to do anything...is to DRAAG yourself out of the house...I mean really, forcing yourself to have fun is a heck of a lot better than getting forced to talk to a counselor, right?

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yea so i guess it isnt that bad but still yea im freaked out im hopin it will close on its own


lol yea his dad must care and its funny his dad gave him a lecture about when its the rite time and place lol


but like i do it becuz i get mad or stressed out about soemthign like a fight and i just go and do it and it ends up just somethin i do whnever i feel like i get mad and i havnt really talked to anyone about it every time i try to talk to soemone about it they just say omg tat u need to stop seriously u need to stop thats bad and i love u n stuff but i dk they dont no how it feels


yea and it is better than talkin to a counsiler and like when im with my friends i have alot of fun even if i didnt wanna go in the first place

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cutting is just a way to control your anger and hurt...you can't control when someone gets mad at you...and you can't control how that feels...but you can contril how much a cut hurts by how deep you go or how many times you cut or how large it is...takes the pain from your heart and puts it where you are cutting...


so are you going to try the rubber band? You never said anything about that suggetion....


on your cut, you actually may want to have it NOT covered for a while...fresh air will help it scab over...if you sweat under the gauze it keeps it moist so it stays open longer...

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yea it does but after a while i dont care if it hurts which is weird....


sure ill try the rubber band sounds like an idea anything to help me stop is fine with me!


but i dont wanna get blood on my sweater or anything or like i dk i dont want soemthing to get in it to infect it so if i use paper towels since i ran out of guaze thats fine?....

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that's the whole point of cutting...that "numbness" you feel...when it stops hurting...you (your heart) stops hurting...and you think you feel better...but the problem with it is that is doesn't change that your heart was hurting...and you never really make yourself feel better...because you don't take care of what made your heart hurt to begin with...you just took away it's pain...


rubber bands sting like heck...be ready for it =)


paper towel will be fine...I sliced my finger open cutting tomatoes for my family's dinner the other day and there wasn't even a bandaid to be found in the house...(talk about probably needing stiches) it worked for me it will work for you =)

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yep...just wrap the paper towel around it then make the tape tight...it may slip a bit but it works for the little time you probably have left to wear it anyway...


if you do get blood on your sweater, see if you have any hydrogen peroxide in the house (do you know what that is?)...pour some on the blood and then rinse, and it comes right out...


and, yeah, unfortunately until you really actually find a way to get to the things that MAKE you get so mad and frustrated...it will just keep happening again...cutting is only a temporary fix...

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okay so just wrap the tape around okay so just scotch tape will work?


yea i know what hydryn procide is i think....lol its just that im wearin a white sweater lol


yea it is only a temperarily thing i never thought about that be4 until now and like ur rite like it only suposably fixes things at that momment l8r on that day i regret it but i keep doin it even i regret it i dont get it..

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yeah, any tape will do in a pinch...it isn't the greatest but like I said...you probably won't need it much longer...


HP comes usually in a brown bottle, you mom wouldhave it in the medicine cabinet more than likely...it's for cleaning cuts and things...not alcohol, but hydrogen peroxide..


and if it is a white sweater, then bleach works too.


when things seem so out of control, cutting is something you CAN control..so even if you regret it you still find yourself doing it because it is the one thing at that very moment...that you have all the say in...


but then you end up regreting it later because deep down, you pretty much know it didn't solve anything...

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It is a good idea to have ur bf and friends to be with u at times.

They can very much distract u off, and make u feel better with them.

But when they are sleeping and not around, in the middle of the night, try to meditate a little. It is good. Coz it is not wise to stay with Dependent on them for too long, u will inevitablly habe some time with urself, u know.


U can opt for walks with ur friends and bfs, u can talk things out with them too. I dun have much suggestion on how to stop the bleeding, but i have much suggestion on how to stop the heart from bleeding inside.


Get away from sharp blades and razors, throw them all away. Dun keep any of them in ur bedroom and bathroom, esp. (Stay clear from people who hurt u so, and had been reckless with ur heart) ...


Stay Happy..

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like what do u mean i wont need it longer? like that i wont be doin it anymore cuz the cut is still fresh n gross lookin everytime i look at it i get sick seriously and okay any tape


and like i know what hp is now and its under my bathroom sink so yea i no it


and yea it is something i can control i just need to start controlin it and yea it probally is somethin i regret cuz it didnt do crap for me

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yea i would be with my bf as much as i can but he lives like 20 mins ago and like hes grounded and cant go newhere so i just see him like 2 a week for now and like i wanna be wit my friends but i dk but that is a good idea and i wouldnt end up relyin on them


i got the razor blade out of a regular shavor i just broke it and like i use knives and there r always knives in the kitchen or sissors in the closet so i dk ill try to stay away from them

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no I meant it will heal soon so you won't need to wrap it much longer...but seriously, don't keep it covered ALL the time...it needs oxygen to heal...that is what clots the blood on the surface...


although I'd love to say you will stop cutting soon....and I think you can stop...just like you use cutting to replace the pain in your heart....now you can use the rubber band to avoid scarring yourself and makingyouself bleed...it's a small step towards quitting entirely...


I think you and I have been talking really well all night =) LOL if you want, I can PM you my e-mail address and anytime you want to talk more, even if it is about bigger things like when you are angry...you can get in touch with me...

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it will heal - it may leave an ugly scar by the way you describe it but it will heal...


a PM is a private message...when I send it up at the top of your screen you see:


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where it says "You have no new messages" - it will say you have one...and click there and it will take you to my private message to you...


and as far as how old I am...hehe...I'm old enough to be your mom actually...I have a daughter who is 15...she and I have a great realtionship and can come to me about anything...think you can tell hat by how we are talking tho, huh?

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