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Need some advice


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I met this girl a few months ago and she has become my best friend. I have become extremely attached to her. I have feelings for her as more than friends but she has a boyfriend. We hang out all the time, go to movies together, do just about everything a normal "couple" would do. We have a great time together no matter what we do (her bf is in college and im with her when he isnt back). All i do is constantly think about her. I work my day around her so we can do stuff together etc. THis last week she went on a cruise for a week and we had zero contact and it was like the end of the world. THe bad thing is, she is a year ahead of me in highschool (she is currently a sr. im a jr.) Thinking about next year makes me just about want to drop off the face of the earth. The thought of not being able to see her is just unfathomable. She means the most to me out of anyone. I just dont know what to do. I cant just stop being her friend, even though that would be the best thing to do, because im all she has. Heh any advice would be great.

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i would talk to her about the whole thing ... sounds to me like she really likes to be with you too .... and also sounds like she doesnt spend much time with her bf either ... in which case i would say maybe she likes you ... the only way to find out is if you talk with her about it ... dont ask her out .... just talk about the fact of you guys being so close and what that means to her ... and if you are really friends than even after she graduates youll still talk and all ... welp ... hope i helped!!!

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If she has a boyfriend and doesn't plan on breaking up with him, then you have to respect that and let them be together. She needs to work out what she wants. Be her friend and support her in whatever decision she makes. Keep in touch after graduation. If things don't work out between them then there's a good chance that she'll eventually go out with you, and by being there for her it makes you more appealing since she knows she can trust and count on you. But you don't want to interfere in the relationship she already has and end up being "the other man" that causes them to split up.

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