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Thanks Ilse.


Well I was having trouble concentrating because I was just really frustrated with the assignmen -- I was having a difficult time with it and THAT was what was making me depressed. It's not that I was already depressed and that was what was making it difficult to concentrate. But I think I was just thinking it over too much and I was really stressed out... if I just put in a half-assed effort and got it over with I probably could have got a B. I'm going to do that next time, if I am ever in that situation again... but you live, you learn I guess.


I can't really switch TAs at this point. I know my TA has higher expectations than most, but he has helped me study a lot and we get along well. I hope he's a little lenient on the late marks because he knows I was going through a tough time and had other essays that week, so to dock off 10% would be sorta harsh. But at the same time it's entirely up to him. It's 2%/day, so he officially should take off 10%. Which drops me down 2 letter grades.


And my favourite TA is actually graduating this year, so I probably won't see him again after this summer. He's moving back to Europe to teach. But I wouldn't get him again anyways, since he's a history TA and I'm in politics and don't plan on taking any more history courses.


Oh well. Anyway, I just hope things work out better. This week is really stressful but next week should be better since I have the long-weekend and a week off before exams...


God this year was just hell. I hope next year gets better.



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I know my 2nd year in uni was the hardest of all, except the thesis which I am doing now. God, I can feel so stuck in my own lines of reasoning, and I have written like over a 100 pages now. Sometimes I really forget what I wrote in the first chpts, because I wrote them, well... like half a year ago. Now I know why you should try to write this thing in a more compact time


Anyway I can relate to you. I hope your weekend is one of rest and peace of mind! We will all get there, the day of graduation!!!



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Hi Ilse & Lily,


Thanks. =) What is your area of study? If you can get into grad school that gives me some hope that I can get out of this as well. Are you studying psychology in grad school? I think someone messaged me that they were doing that, can't remember if that was you...


Well anyways, thanks again. I really hope I do get through this, although it will be with some bumps along the way...



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I am doing MA Linguistics, and I hope to be a PhD based on the extra work I did for the thesis. I really love it, but I can't always deal with the stress. God, I am so tired. I am far beyond coffee lol.


Sorry just ranting. Keep me posted! You're gonna be fine!



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