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This is probably a redundant question that has been asked or that I should know the answer to but I'm just too out of it to remember but.


Does what I did count?


No broken skin, but it did leave a red mark on my wrist for like a day. I just want to know if it counted as self injury or not. If you need more details let me know.

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can I ask why you worry if it "counted" or not?


From a quick look at his past threads, I would say he's worried because he's trying to quit cutting and he's hoping this doesn't count because he doesn't want to mess up his track record.


(Of course, just because it counts is no reason to stop trying to quit, pippin. It's just a minor set-back. It does, however, mean that you can't get away with it just because there's no blood.)

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sorry I haven't been able to reply sooner. Computer has been giving me troubles.


For anyone who doesn't know me I tend to respond to peoples reply individually.



I did it with a bottle cap. I wasn't particularly doing it at first to hurt myself I was just fiddling with it and had it against my wrist and it just felt good so I kept doing it and before I knew it I was making a ring. I just didn't happen to draw blood with it. And I just don't understand what you meant by why. Like why what.



yea, I have found that out so many times the hardway.



ok, I don't have a comment. lol.



I'm not particularly worried about whether it counted but I am if that makes any sense. I just don't want to ruin something. I've been trying to quit and I'm not sure I can do this anymore. I'm so ready to give up and let it win, let the self injury win.



yo no tengo un pene. In english that would be I do not have a penis. sorry it's a pet peeve of mine(when people call me a man). That would be a weird thing of mine(talking in spanish). Thanks for the track record thing. I couldn't seem to put it in words as you can see from above. I'm trying to quit as you said I just want to stop trying. I'm losing faith in my self. I have had too many set backs in my opinion. And you are right, I can't get away with it just because there is no blood.






yea I guess I did. Not at first but in the end I was.



I don't think I can. Like I have said.


Thanks to everyone who took time to read my pathetic post. I think I'm going to go drink myself to death.

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no biggie. It's much more weird at debate meets when the person is standing right next to you and repeatedly calls you a dude. I mean I definitly look like a woman. Breasts and long hair kind of give it away. Don't worry about it. Just thought I would point it out for the record.

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hm, trying to stop cutting is really hard I know because I'm working on it too. I personally think if you can find something that doesn't scar to help you stop cutting and then stop the other thing it would be easier? I may be wrong but thats how I delt with it the first time, now I just punch my wall if I get mad -.-;

It is worth it! I gave up for a year and then started again. But giving up is worth it because you feel better about yourself.



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yes it "counts". it isn't really the action its self that makes it "count", it is the fact that there is enough emotional pain inside of someone that they will reserve to causing themself physical pain. any kind of self injury could possibly lead one to an even more destructive method of SI, and/or suicide. although suicide may sound ridiculous and out of the question for some who are cutting, later they may change their mind. cutting does help you feel better for a bit. it clears your mind and calms you– and yeah, i know, it feels great. it kinda feels as if everything will be okay someday. but the next day there are scabs, and later there are scars, forever reminding you of your sorrow and pain. it's not a good road to go down, so try to turn around while you still can. good luck!

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hm, trying to stop cutting is really hard I know because I'm working on it too. I personally think if you can find something that doesn't scar to help you stop cutting and then stop the other thing it would be easier? I may be wrong but thats how I delt with it the first time, now I just punch my wall if I get mad -.-;

It is worth it! I gave up for a year and then started again. But giving up is worth it because you feel better about yourself.




i agree..hitting things, gripping ice cubes, etc. are great. this site has a list of things like that...it worked for me, there is hope.


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