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Am I in love?


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Well, there is this girl who I 'fought' for 6 months. I finally won her over.


I think I am in love with her, but I don't know if I really am or if I'm just in love with her because she's the first girl to be in love with me.


I would do ANYTHING for her, and I know she would do the same for me.


I treat her like gold, and I don't consider it a chore or anything like that.


I just don't know why I have this question in my mind, maybe because this will be my first ever relationship?


How do I know?

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maybe you wont know until you lose it and look back at it...say it doent work out and you go omg! i loved her so much... or maybe it needs comparison, you say you love her...things dont work out and you love your new gf and think wow...now i know what love is...


personally in my first relationship i kept thinking am i in love??? i really really loved him but was i in love??? it wasnt until i had stopped asking myself that i realized, yes i was in love and i didnt wonder if i was anymore cause i knew i was....but thats just me, everyone is different...

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Everytime I came close to losing her, I cried. And I felt really horrible.


But for some reason, now that we are close to entering a 'relationship' I've asked myself, 'Am I really?'.


I have nothing to compare this two, she's the first girl I felt this way for.


Like, now I say I have this doubt or what not. But if something were to happen and she were to say we can't be together, or if I were to lose her in any way, I'd feel really horrible.


I cannot write down the thoughts going through my head, we've talked about our future and we've talked about being together forever. I know this sounds a lot like pre-wedding jitters, maybe I'm just wondering if this will be 'it' for me?


I mean, I care so much for her, I've gone through so much to get her, I've always been there, always halped her and everything.


I'm seeing her on Sunday, maybe what I need is to see her, and ask myself the question when I'm actually with her...

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wow, i thought you guys were going out. take it easy. i cant say whether you love her or not but i know for a fact you care very deeply with her. take it as it goes and dont stress out about it too much. you guys are just beggining to date so dont see it as 'is this the one???' just enjoy it...

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all that matters is that you really care for her...what gives you the impression that she has the impression that you are madly in love with her???


dont get flustered by her assumptions and force yourself to feel more than you do. even though you already feel alot...so i dont see a prob.


does she say she is madly in love with you?


maybe to her 'i love yous' are a dime a dozen and she says it easily, others see it as a huge thing... i dunno

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--And the more I think about it, the more I'm sure that I do love her. --


i think you answered your own answer also maybe talking about it helped you realize your feelings more in depth. its not like you get a certificate saying you are in love or you take a test to find out. just follow your heart....

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Well, there is this girl who I 'fought' for 6 months. I finally won her over.


I think I am in love with her, but I don't know if I really am or if I'm just in love with her because she's the first girl to be in love with me.


I would do ANYTHING for her, and I know she would do the same for me.


I treat her like gold, and I don't consider it a chore or anything like that.


I just don't know why I have this question in my mind, maybe because this will be my first ever relationship?


How do I know?


I didn't read what anyone else has said, and I'm sure someone might have already said this, but if you have to "think" that your in love, then your not. There are alot of feeling/emotions that we have that are either a firm yes or a firm no. There is no in-between and maybes when it comes to being "in love". People who are "in love" know that they are "in love" and the ones who don't also know that they are not. If you have to think about it and your only answer would be "Well I think I love her becasue of x reason and y reason", well your not "in love" with that person yet, your just really attracted and comfertable being with that person. Give it some time, you'll come back to this thread and think "yeah there right, I can only be in love or not, I can't just think I am". Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and God Bless Everyone here for all there help/support to everyone else.

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Oh, to be a teenager in love...


I remember falling deeply in love with my boyfriend at 13. It was an all consuming feeling that left no doubt in my mind about being in love. I couldn´t sleep, couldn´t eat, all I could think about was him, I´d get shivers whenever I thought about his kisses, I´d get in tons of trouble because of him, I needed to be with him all the time. I guess that´s called infatuation, or "temporary insanity". I thought it was something only teenagers felt, I thought I´d outgrow it, but I still get infatuated.


You seem to have a very nice and level headed relationship with your girlfriend, as well as a good friendship. You probably don´t feel all the craziness that people associate with being in love, though, and that´s why you´re wondering if you´re in love. This is my two cents: you might not be infatuated, but you might still be in love. Does that make sense?

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