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I decided to start my own journal thread, since I feel like I post a lot. I'd still like for people to comment and give their input on the things going on in my life


To start, many of you know about my lovely friend, Jessica. Well, this past weekend she had her son. I was SO happy that that was the case, because I didn't feel any pressure to ask her to hang out. Saturday morning, I got up and went to the gym. I got a great workout in and decided that I wanted to buy a new book and sit by the pool for a few hours reading. When I got to the pool, I took a snapchat of the pool and posted it to "My Story" (that means that the snap didn't go to anyone specific, but was available for all my friends to see).


Maybe 30 minutes after, my friend Sam (the girl that went out with Bryan ONCE and Jessica made a huge deal about me hanging out with Bryan) texted me asking if I was at her pool. I responded yes (It is the pool at her apartment. They are pretty chill about people being there so that is my pool of choice to hang out at) and told her that if she wanted to come down and hang out, I was there. She responded that she had things to do. About an hour or so later, Jessica texts me. She didn't say anything like "Hey, what's up?" or "How are you doing?". Her text said "You're at the pool". No question mark - basically what I got was that she was passively making it known that she knew I was at the pool at was probably mad that I didn't invite her and her son to come. I responded "Yea, why?". She said "Sam said you were there". Ok, side note: What is wrong with these people?! Why does Sam care enough about what I'm doing and where I am at that she feels the need to text Jessica and tell her?! I simply responded "Yea, I came to read and get some sun" and nothing else was said after that. Needless to say, the gym was a little awkward yesterday. Neither of us spoke to the other and I definitely kept my distance.


Moving on to the guy department - I have been chatting with this guy on Tinder for about a month now. It was very casual. He suggested once that we go hit golf balls but I was busy that night. Overall, I really enjoyed talking to him. We have A LOT in common, especially when it comes to our love for sports. In fact, we both like the same teams.


This past weekend, I told him we should take our Tinder relationship to the next level and become Facebook friends. He said he was down with that but also asked for my number. I gave it to him. That was Saturday morning.


Well, I didn't hear anything all day Saturday and into Sunday. I was starting to get confused (haha) because he was always the one to initiate conversation and he asked for my number. Finally, on Sunday night, he texted me. We have been texting since and I like what I've heard so far. We have plans to get dinner on Friday night.


Things I like so far:

  • He doesn't come accross as needy - so he isn't texting me all the time
  • He LOVES sports and all the teams I like too
  • He is a baseball coach and an Athletic Director at a high school. I like a man who enjoys working with kids
  • He is nice and attentive


Things I don't like:

  • He was previously engaged to a girl he was with for 3 years. The engagement ended 2 months ago. He was open and honest about it and told me he hoped it didn't scare me off, but I'm not interested in being a rebound. They aren't friends on Facebook but there are still pictures of them up, including their engagement photos.


Also, and I HATE to say this or even point it out, but in some pictures it looks like he is balding a bit on the front. I know that is stupid and I wouldn't stop talking to him because of it, but I've never dated anyone with that problem. BUT - in other pictures I've seen, especially with him and his ex-fiance, he doesn't look like he's balding. It makes me wonder if the break-up has really taken a toll on him?

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I hope one day you get rid of crazy for your sake, although it's MILDLY entertaining to read and somewhat suspenseful in a "what's next?" sense. I suggest if you want alone time at the pool, don't blast it on social media and problem will be solved since you still have blah friends.


A month for tinder chat, way too long, 2 month ago broke off an engagement...be prepared to be a very casual girlfriend or a hookup. From what you've written here thus far, I don't think you should even go to dinner.



Lastly, you have never met him and you're already analyzing if he's balding due to a breakup with his fiance, way too involved way too early. Even if you do meet up with him, leave all that stuff for after you actually meet him. People can come accross one way, and be different in person.

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I hope one day you get rid of crazy for your sake, although it's MILDLY entertaining to read and somewhat suspenseful in a "what's next?" sense. I suggest if you want alone time at the pool, don't blast it on social media and problem will be solved since you still have blah friends.


A month for tinder chat, way too long, 2 month ago broke off an engagement...be prepared to be a very casual girlfriend or a hookup. From what you've written here thus far, I don't think you should even go to dinner.



Lastly, you have never met him and you're already analyzing if he's balding due to a breakup with his fiance, way too involved way too early. Even if you do meet up with him, leave all that stuff for after you actually meet him. People can come accross one way, and be different in person.


The social media thing is an adjustment for me. I usually do not have dramatic people in my life, so it has never been an issue for me to post a snapchat and get any "backlash" from it. I only add certain people on snapchat so it was never a concern. But at the same time, why do I have to not post a picture to avoid this drama. Ok - I know the answer to that. Most people can't keep their nose out of other people's business but its just the principle. I've never had issue with people running their mouth until I ran into these 2 girls.


But give me credit for taking a huge step back away from Jessica. I didn't even speak to her yesterday. Yes, it was awkward but I'm hoping she gets the point.


Why is a month of Tinder chat too long? I don't mind being a casual girlfriend at first (more my speed at the moment) but just because someone is 2 months out of a broken engagement means they won't ever want to settle down again?


And your 3rd point - you are right. Which is why I said it was stupid

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Of course they'll want to settle down again, the worry is not that. 2 months is usually enough time to get over the heartache and pain and work out all the feelings. So you may be getting involved with someone not necessarily ready emotionally.

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A broken engagement isn't a small thing.

There was an intent to marry and spend their lives together --- and now that hope and plan is a pile of debris.


He is in no position to get into another relationship right now. He is likely using you as a distraction.

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