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Ex boyfriend and what to get him for christmas

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Hey yall..Recently my ex and me hungout and we made out and we danced and held hands and stuff...Well Christmas is coming up and i wanted to get him something. Im kinda broke since i don't have a job and i need to get him something but what?


I thought maybe i would get a t shirt made for him or maybe Get him a picture frame and put a pic of me in it...I don't know. Im really lousy when it comes to picking gifts out. Then i thought about gettin him a poster but yeah...Ill be back later to check in and see what everyones opinions are a stuff...



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emotional -


he's an EX...and until the two of you establish that you are actually dating again....and it wasn't just a one shot thing...there is no reason for you to buy him anything, especially when you are unemployed...regardless if the two of you made out...


Don't use a christmas gift as a means to try to win the guy back if that is what you were hoping for. If it is going to happen, it doesn't take "bribery". =)

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