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Signed into Skype-first time in a month ...Ex's name is under 'today?'

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I wanted to add someone onto skype around 1am last night as I was chatting with him on the phone. Went into skype, haven't been on in over a month and realised that his name was under the recent section of skype? Under 'today?'

I didn't click his name, nor did I leave a message. Ex seems to have been offline the last few times I've signed in (don't know if he blocked me).


For people that actually use skype often and know what it means, why is his name under the 'today' section? Does this mean he might have messaged me or something. I know you can only see the message when both people are online right?


Urgh I shouldn't be obsessing, can't help it.



Background info-broke up with ex (mutual) because he had to go home overseas.

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Oh do you have the upgraded version of Skype? I googled and it says that function applies for the new one. I haven't upgraded my version yet I don't think. Maybe that's why it still says ^ what I linked on the skype website? Thanks though! You're right, I should stop worrying.

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Oh do you have the upgraded version of Skype? I googled and it says that function applies for the new one. I haven't upgraded my version yet I don't think. Maybe that's why it still says ^ what I linked on the skype website? Thanks though! You're right, I should stop worrying.


No problem, I know that feeling.

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