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Carrie's Journal


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I've decided to start a journal to document goings on and developments in my life. I've been single for 3 years now and I have to say I've been quite lapse about looking for love. I've recently turned 30, and I know I need todo something about it. I miss having someone In my life. I don't have many friends but I am a loyal friend, I'm working on making new friends as I know this will help my general happiness and lifestyle. I'm just very independent and do like my lone time, but this has meant losing people close to me on the past. Anyway recently I started up my own meet up group for women of a similar age in my hometown. After a quiet start I now have 30 members and the meet ups are becoming more regular. Tomorrow we are going roller skating which should be good fun. So far I haven't met any girls who have the same interests as me (gigs, indie music, vintage fashion, horse riding) but I know there is potential for the group to grow and hopefully meet people who enjoy some of the same things (music is a big thing for me). Dating wise I have been on pof and ok Cupid for years with no real success, I will post shortly about my latest news on that front....

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Music is a big thing for me, it influences a lot of things in my life and it'd be nice to meet some people who share the same music tastes. Then I could go to gigs, certain music nights, venues, festivals, the indie parts of town etc where they have vintage shops and quirky places. That's why I'd like to meet people of that ilk. However, I am happy to meet new people who don't share those interests as well, I'd like to start keeping fit and doing more physical exercise which is what a lot of the girls in the group are into.

Roller skating on Saturday was fun, only 3 out of the 9 who rsvp'd came, and one left early to go and meet her best friends (she's done that a few times) but it was a good giggle. Last night I met up with another girl from the group who actually left the group because she didn't feel it was for her, but I liked her and got on with her and we actually have similar music tastes so it was good to catch up with her. What I'm finding a little hard is that, naturally, all these girls in the group already have their own solid groups of friends. I know that's normal, to be expected etc, but is just like to make my own group of close friends too, as I don't have that in my life.

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Argh, I wrote a really long post yesterday but lost signal on the train and lost it all! Here's the jist of it.

So on Monday I went on a date with a guy from POF, I'll call him

JOE. We had been chatting for a couple of weeks and he seemed keen and genuine. Conversation moved onto whatsapp and as it was a bank holiday we decided Monday was good. He lives in a city a 1 hour journey from my work city, so we met in my work city as I was travelling from my parents. We met at a bar in the bohemian quarter of town at 4pm and my first impressions were he looked a lot skinnier than in his pics. Basically he's very very thin and had a much thinner face than I imagined. He has two pierced ears and a full sleeve tattoo which I kinda like, but also has scars on his face from other piercings. He was polite and softly spoken and enquired a lot about me. I always feel conversation sticks a little on first dates after a while and this date did run on a bit too long- 5.5 hours in total and no food the entire time. That was a little disappointing, that he didn't suggest going for food ( he probably doesn't eat!) but I guess I'm equally to blame. I don't drink much so I really had to pace myself, but over all it was quite an enjoyable date. He's creative and passionate about his work, he socialises every night and has lots of friends, which is a little red flag for me as it makes me wonder how he would have time for a girl with his busy social calendar and also as I don't have many friends, whether that would be awkward as I don't really have groups of friends I could introduce him to. He asked me why was I on pof, said he'd come out of a 4 year relationship 2 months ago as he wasn't ready to settle (red flag?) but now felt he was ready for a relationship again. He's also an only child- maybe the reason he needs constant company? Anyway, towards the end of the night I kissed him and he was speechless- he certainly wasn't expecting it even though we were sat on a sofa and he'd moved up very close to me. He said he couldn't believe I was in pof as he'd seen so many guys looking at me as we'd walked through town. I took it as a nice compliment. When he left he text me whilst on the train saying he hoped to see me really soon, he's about to go to a European music festival and was 'sad' he couldn't see me again this week. Those types of messages have continued to arrive since our date so he's certainly keen, and I am warming to him...

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JOE has been keeping in regular contact since he came back from the music festival in Europe. He certainly has a busy social calendar and manages to stay out pretty late during the week even though he works full time. I can't really do much during the week as I am so tired with work so that may be a sticking point for us, he certainly loves being around people all the time whereas I like my lone time and prefer people on small doses. He's a sweet guy though, despite only going on one date so far he's super keen. I won't be seeing him again until Monday due to the fact I have so much on with work this week, it's not ideal but he still seems very interested. He's started referring to me as 'cutie' and 'lovely' which makes me cringe a little though. The distance as I've mentioned before is an issue but as his job is freelance he does have more flexibility with his schedule. He bought tickets for a gig he's going to in my nearest city in November and asked if I'd like to go with him and his friends. I said yes as I am keen to see this band but if course it felt a little odd so early on to plan things for November!

The meet up group is still going pretty well. However, whenever say 10 people RSVP, only half will actually turn up. We have our next meet up on Friday for a pub dinner and drinks, 12 have rsvp'd but I'm guessing it'll be more like 6....

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