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Midlife Crisis Diversion


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Today is B's mom's b-day. He's working all day and I work tonight so I went over to see her for a couple of hours this afternoon. I prayed before I went that she wouldn't say anything to upset me and she didn't. Thank God because I was really worried about it. I brought her a fruit smoothie which she drank and 2 shirts for her b-day. I painted her fingernails and helped her wash her hair and just listened to her ramblings. Most of it wasn't based in fact/reality and I try to remind myself of that when my mind starts to wander to the things she's said that have upset me.


Anyway, I just let her talk and talk. B is still broken hearted about everything. We know she can't go on like this much longer w/out some kind of disastrous situation. Hopefully her case worker can get her into her dr. this week and they can do a simple med adjustment although I'm worried it won't be so simple.

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B got off work a bit early unexpectedly so he met me on my way to work to bring me all sorts of goodies to take w/ me for the night. I love when he does things like that for me! He called and asked where to meet/what I wanted and he ended up making stops at three different places to get it all!! I was just giving him options, I didn't expect ALL of it. Completely filled me w/ warm fuzzies! Plus I got to give him some hugs and smooches before work.


Our schedules make it rough to see each other and sometimes I feel bad about it but moments like this help get me through.

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Finally got an interview set up for my girls. We're going next Thursday.


B's mom's issues are escalating. The end result will probably be that she'll end up in the state psych hospital, it's just getting her there. She's still unwilling to go on her own at this point so B's just waiting for something to happen that'll force her there. Hopefully it's nothing too traumatic! He's at the point he's not helping her anymore which I'm hoping will get her to the end result quicker. She's been abusive to him when he takes her her meds and she told her social worker she doesn't want B giving her her meds anymore so he's not going to. They haven't been working anyway...well, maybe they've helped keep things at a somewhat manageable level, I don't know.


There's an adult protective services man that's been trying to get over to see his mom and evaluate and try to get her to the hospital but she hasn't been home when he's gone over. B thinks she knows she's headed for the hospital and so she's avoiding everyone to keep from going. He's dealt w/ this his whole life. Sad to see your mom act like this and go through what she has to go through. I feel much worse for him because he's in his mind and has to bear the brunt of her behavior.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm still waiting for official charges to be filed against S. There are hoops the detective has to go through in order to try and get a statement from him before she can have the case screened by the DA. GRRR!!! He's hiding out and won't talk to the detective!! The girls went and did their forensic interview about 5 weeks ago and now the hold up is that this creep is refusing to talk to the detective!!


Two weeks ago she told me she'd been over 3 times to try and talk to him but no luck. She said she needs to try "a couple" more times, then put him out on the police bulletin for officers to watch for him on their regular patrol. Idk how long all this takes. I'd like to know what charges he'll have and get a warrant for his arrest but for all I know w/ the way this seems to have been handled so far they'll sit on the warrant forever and nothing will get done! It's sickening. It's pissing me off how many phone calls and emails I have to send to get just one brief, non specific response back.


I switch to day shift the 14th!! Yay!! So excited. Can't wait to feel "normal" that way again. It's been over a year since I've been on a day time schedule.


B's mom is in the state mental hospital. She's not getting any better so far. He's really upset and frustrated about what's going on w/ her (or what's NOT happening) w/ her. He can't get anyone to call him back and she's not getting any better. Last he heard her meds hadn't been changed in any way yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

What a crappy day!!


My son left today and I won't see him for 2 years. He'll be in Mexico City for a couple of months and then in Peru on a mission for his church. Its bittersweet really...I'm so proud of him and excited for this amazing adventure and opportunity he's beginning but as I watched him walk through airport security and had the thought "this is the last time I'll see him for two years" Wow, tears, sad!


Fast forward a few hours and my daughter is in jail for weed. Ugh!! Kids can break your heart like no other. She has to wait and see the judge tomorrow. I'm scheduled to work tomorrow and don't know that I can get out of it, grrr!! I really want to be there for her but they're counting on me at work. It's been really busy lately and they're short staffed so I don't want to leave them in a bad situation.


Part of me is like so what...my daughter is obviously more important but my parents will be there with her and I know she'll get out and everything will be fine so I don't know how important it is that I be there.

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I called the youth detention center and I might be able to see her for a little while tonight. At the very least she should be able to call me. I want to let her know I love her and I'll be thinking of her and won't be able to be at court w/ her.

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