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ahhh goddddd


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ok heres the deal i have seriously been dragging this i just cant decide weather to ask a girl out or not and its actualy starting to piss me off.....how do i decided if i should or not???people say what do you have to lose but i dont want to lose the friendship i have with her now...if were guna get further apart why bother asking her out?do people know what im saying?thanks for the replies

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Hey blink,


In my 100% honest opinion I think you should go for it. I can completely understand and relate to your apprehensions as they are the same fears that plagued me all through high school. However, I would always end up getting more upset at myself because I would wait for too long, then lose my chance.


Back in grade 11, I met this girl who I absolutely fell head over heals for. We became really close, to the point where we would hang out/talk daily. I had wanted to ask her out, but I was scared of ruining our friendship. Then after a few months I finally had enough of it, and decided that life is too short to always wonder "what if...?", so I finally did it. She actually did say no, and yes I was upset for a little while, however, I felt waaay better finally letting it off my chest. For a week or so things were kind of weird between us, but today (2 years later) that same girl is also my best friend and we still talk/hang out all the time.


The way I see it is that...how can you know if you never try? We all have to take risks some times, and if we're too afraid to take those risks well, we may be losing out on some of the greatest opportunities in our life. Besides, if she does decline then at least you know and can move on with your life. If your friendship is strong you both will move past it together and eventually may end up joking about it on a regular basis (much like my friend and myself.)


Good luck in whatever you decide to do, but I'll say again: You never know unless you try.




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well its the age old saying "you gotta be in it to win it" ok , maybe its not old but it is true, ask her if she says no at least you know where you stand. but with anything in life dont spend time wondering go out and do because its harder to look back and wonder what if then go ohwell crap happeneds

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I've learned from experience, if you don't say something you'll torment yourself with regret for a long time to come. You never know what could come up and keep you from telling her in the future. It's hard and can scare you half to death, but without risk you can't expect to get the reward. Also, in person is best. You could ask on msn but it would be more meaningful and personal face to face. Good luck.

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