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just broke up with my girl(11mths), how do i forget her?


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what should i do? i am in miserable mode. cant do anything, cant eat, cant sleep. i am practically a zombie.


my friends said that she is like a drug to me now. I asked her to come back to me and she rejected me flat out.


we broke up because she said that i refuse to go out with her and i rather pick up my girl friends then pick her up when we go out.


what should i do? i am in misery....... sob sob....

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Hi Pal,

It is misery to be rejected down flatly esp if u do love a gal a lot, but being a zombie doesnt mean u are DYING and going to meet the reaper, u just got to work it out which zombie u wan to be.


As for zombie, there is always a happy and sad one. Pick one..

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You really don't want to forget her, right? Because that would mean forgetting EVERYTHING including all the great times you guys shared over those 11 months. The times that when you think about them now they still give you butterflies, and you can't help but smile.


Time will dull the pain, and I'm sure you'll learn from this and every other relationship you have between now and "The One" as this isn't likely to be the last time your heart is broken. But you've got to take those chances, and you'll see many years from now when you're lying beside the one who you want (and wants you) for the rest of your life, you'll understand why this had to happen.


Don't forget her... Cherish her memory, tuck it in a special place, and move on to make new memories with someone who wants to share some time with you.


Take care.

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move on to make new memories with someone who wants to share some time with you.



Now that is some real advice. I would look carefully at that until it makes sense, because really what is more important than you loving someone and wanting to be with them is them loving you and wanting to be with you. People forget to take care of themselves. I don't know how people can want to share experiences with you and then decide they don't anymore, but what I do know is that you deserve someone who will never doubt their want to spend time with you. You will know that you are moving on when your depression turns to anger hahah.

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i appreciate all the advice you all have given me. i thank all of you so much. merci beaucoup!


i will try not to think of her even though that is hard. i know time will heal all wounds and i dun wan to be a zombie for life.


maybe i will take some time to go abroad to get my mind of her just before my semester starts.

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Hey, im going through a very hard break up that personally i can not get a hold on. But ill tell you this. I friend of mine said i was fighting the good fight. Those words made me feel good. Its a constant battle. There are days where youll cry like a little baby, and thats ok. Just try as hard as you can to transcend this.


I think theres a balance between thinking about her and ingoring her. Just keep fighting - thats your only option.


Dude lemme tell ya, i feel you on that whole zombie thing. I described myself as dead on the inside to someone, cause thats how i feel. It sucks dude more then anything has ever sucked before, but just try to make small progress forward.


You wont be a zombie for life, but thats how you feel. I feel the same way, but for some reason its easier for me to tell you that you will awaken someday, then it is for me to tell myself that.


Good luck sir

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im going too my break up fase. It's been a month full of sadness and even reminding me of the time we where together (the happy ones) brings me tears to the eyes. Every ppl must look at me and think im a fool or a weak. And it must be annoying to be around me now cause i end up talking always the same. I passed all day thinking on her and i just can't stop it...


I just hope i can wake up someday from this hell and move on. Stop being this sad zombie as you guys say...

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I think theres a balance between thinking about her and ingoring her. Just keep fighting - thats your only option.


yes dude, i agree with you. i gotta forget about her. justagirl20f is right, cherish memories and move on.


i will try to do that. and i hope you guys(Bibora & HajiMaji) can brace yourselves too. No more zombieing.


i feel much better after reading all your posts. thank you all...

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i will try to do that. and i hope you guys(Bibora & HajiMaji) can brace yourselves too. No more zombieing.



Thanks for the support.

Im just going on slowly, recovering from it. I know in time i'll be healed, but she will always have her spot in my heart.


And feel free to come and post what you feel. Thats what this community is for. To help each other passing this rough times.


Be happy and enjoy life. I'm gonna try again...

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