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its been about 6mths now bein broken up....he got his last thing he left at my house last week, after makin the big deal of wanting his coat back, (which he already had a coat on + says possessions dont mean anything) and then after he asks my mom to go in my room to see it again..and asks whats been goign on with me and the boys i been with.. he asks my mom repeatedly "i thought you all hated me and never wanted me to come around here anymore." and the "You dont hate me right? youre just disapointed?" so then he finally has this coat, since he claims thats all he wanted to come over for... so at last me and my family think okay this is the last of him.. well not so.. yesterday he ran into my mom and she walked by him and he freaked out and screamed MRS. so 'n so with bein all proper.. to get her attention to come back to talk to him... he then asks what shes doing and proceeds to keep a conversation with my mother.. uhm... why is my ex boyfriend tryin to be buddy buddy nice with my mom.. i kno she told him to leave me alone and to only come back to be if hes truly serious, but why would he talk so much to her? why does he care so much what my parents think of him?

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