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What are you grateful for today?


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That he called. That I am learning how to have a relationship. No blame, no bounce. Just let the conversation flow and he opened up a lot. i was able to say Well, that depends on where you want to go with the relationship and it wasn't even a question or confrontational. And he chose not to answer, which means I will hear an answer in person this weekend.


I am learning and it is having an impact!

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Saying this differently: that I didn't dump him. That I have succeeded in identifying my cut-and-run nature and redirected it to be a self-advocate.


That he called. That I am learning how to have a relationship. No blame, no bounce. Just let the conversation flow and he opened up a lot. i was able to say Well, that depends on where you want to go with the relationship and it wasn't even a question or confrontational. And he chose not to answer, which means I will hear an answer in person this weekend.


I am learning and it is having an impact!

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At least I didn't get stiffed altogether on the tab.


Have eaten healthfully and no cheating for two days in a row! (This may not sound like much but I have a killer sweet tooth.)


I have a cool and supportive manager at work.


When I get married, I won't hate my in-laws. In fact, I rather love them.

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I think my friends are surprised I'm still positive and feeling capable even though I'm at the lowest point in my life (to which, I will reveal later). But I really do feel like that, lol. I trust what's going to happen even though I have no idea and I'm amazed at my resilience and feel no negative emotion at all.




As an afterthought, I have to give partial credit to my cat. They weren't kidding that owning a pet is amazing for your self esteem because she just makes me glow. Even before this. Super adorable and loving.


Oh, and because of my friends, too, lol.

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I am grateful for my pets, they are loyal and their affection is relentless. They get me out of bed when I'm at my worst, they know when I am feeling so low, it's nice to not have to tell someone how bad I feel but to just be recognized. I am grateful for friends that listen and offer me their time and their ears when I need them the most, they remind me of how truly special I really am.

My parents who have done and still do an amazing job at LOVING me, unconditionally. My nieces who are shining examples of what I hope to have one day. There is so much to be thankful for, even when it seems like everything is falling apart. Things fall apart, then come together, then fall apart again.

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I'm grateful for the older couple who live on the property beside where my garden is. A tree fell during a storm, right on the garden. It was right on the property line. We were going to take care of it; because it could honestly could be debatable whose side it was on and we can do it. Without anyone having said anything at all, the man hired someone and paid to have the tree removed and it cleaned up. Even offered up the logs for firewood for us.


He didn't have to. He did it because he is awesome. A good neighbor.

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