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What are you grateful for today?


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I FINALLY was able to start my new bottle of hair shampoo!!! (Admit it, everyone gets excited about starting a new toiletry item, and we get impatient because the old one seems to last forever, even when it looks like it's all gone!!!)

I get super excited 😁🛀

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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy Birthday! Grateful that for the first time since I became a mom in 2009 we are home for Thanksgiving just the three of us. We had many nice years at our new friends but that friendship is fading and some changes in their home life and ours makes it not as much fun to go there for holidays. Not doing anything fancy but feeling cozy at home and proud that I tackled the one store open in the neighborhood and walked there and back alongside the 5k Turkey Trot runners.

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A lifetime of flurry and over commiting.


Dont get me wrong I love the hustle of cooking and entertaining. But after being with other 'orphaned' empty nesters last night for a Friendsgiving dinner, I'm still in my robe at 1pm and need to think about getting dressed to go to my brothers home for Thanksgiving.


My sons are in love and with their ladies. My boyfriend is cooking for his family.


As much as I dreaded the transition into this phase of my life without my immediate family and missing both of my parents, I realized I've joined the honorary club of the rest of us, where things just aren't the way it used to be. It's my choice on how I want to handle it and I by example, I'm working on handling gracefully.


Time to get out of my robe and get in the shower.


Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours

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