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What are you grateful for today?


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-My shifts this weekend. Remembered why I love this job so much, and why it payed to be patient with people. We grow faster when we know we're perfectly accepted at our current "height".


-The flare ended. Bye pain!


-Caught up on housework despite being pretty tired.


-Pt M finally recovered. Pt Z relaxed, trusting, showed up on time. Relief is a powerful thing.


-I no longer hold a grudge against A. She is doing her best. And means well. Glad I didn't push the issue.


-I learned to back off, step aside, and allow for failure. I was being a control freak, with zero insight. Glad I finally saw it.


-Appetite back to normal. Phew.


-Pt V laughed today. Priceless. Wants to go see Ice Age with me next week. Feels safe. Sweet kid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

oh dear. Rainy report from the 90s. i finally discovered the charming world of apps. i just never though there were that many that are actually USEFUL ,ya know? now i can't stop downloading. apps. i'm grateful for apps. i love apps. where have i been all this time?!!! so that's why everyone is using them!



fun fun fu-un!!

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Thankful that im on Holiday until Monday ☺


Tomorrow my partner and I are going to play in the snow then soak at the natural hot springs on the way home.. bliss .. (thank you nature! ) then 5 days of no kids 😇


Excited!! Much!!

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That I live in a place of such heart stopping beauty. Went outside last night at dusk and saw these gorgeous bright white clouds breaking over the mountains in a formation like waves. They stood out against the dark sky and as I watched flashes of lighting would light up the clouds here and there as the wind moved them down over the mountains and towards my area. Add to that a bright half moon already visible hanging about them in the sky and I had a light show for free that no human hand could ever begin to create.


Just waking up and looking out my front door is like falling in love every single day.

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It's my baby boy's birthday today! (I can hear him now saying "Naaawwwee Mummm... I'm not a baby!)


No more babies, just two big lumps of Teenagers, I am loving their company so much... Funny, weird awesome lads with a totally biased mummy!


Loves much!

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for the autumn approaching. that i roasted hazelnuts and ate them hot while reading a book that has nothing to do with work or studies. my dog's limp is gone. i have a tiny cactus. my friends E and M. Employment. being alive. having a roof over my head and food to eat. all of this was an uncertainty at some point. good baselines, the weekend. not suffering violence. not suffering persecutory delusions, not losing my property and loved ones to a natural disaster. not running a fever. seeing flocks of starlings often. oversized shirts and AC.

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also, i had made plans with someone but the prelude to sharkweek has me tired- i was hoping to reschedule and they called to ask if monday would do. yay.

nice big bronze crescent moon hanging low tonight and spotted a blaring shooting star. cut my own bangs- perfectly. discovered my toaster makes a decent countertop grill for zuchinni. having a low energy day and still managed to get a whole lot of stuff done without trying hard or stressing.


thankful that sometimes it's just smooth sailing, at least for a day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The little things that go right: Hubs taking my son to school, so I got an extra hour of sleep that I never get (awesome!!!); being able to bribe my mother into allowing blood and urine tests at the doctor's office where she normally puts up a fight and I have to beg her to just try, please just try (seriously I have never been so happy to have someone pee in a cup, it's ridiculous!) that moment when everywhere you go people do little kindnesses for you they didn't have to do; getting that last piece of carrot cake at the cafeteria.


All those little things that add up to tell you, "You know, on this particular day, life is good." And really, that's all I ask for.

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Friends and Family


My sister and gf are making sure I'm ok everyday after breaking up with bf.


Another gf who is also my neighbor came over for wine and cheese last night and brought her manicure set and gave me a manicure (she's a beautician), I haven't told her that I broke up with bf, so I know she did it because she's a great friend not because I am feeling broken.


I'm sad, but waking up to my surroundings again, appreciating who I do have in my life.

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