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What are you grateful for today?


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Went on a date last night (been on a few with this lovely man - but have not told family yet) casually enjoying the company when my Mum, Dad, niece, Aunt & Uncle walk into the restaurant... die! - the held up their serviettes when my date wasn't looking with a score out of 10 - lol! and came over to introduce themselves!


Grateful to my dad who at the end of the night came up to the table and gave us $50.! .. lol (the fact he is a stingy man and both my date and I are professionals and in our mid 40s! lol)


Embarrassed no end, but grateful that I have a family with a fantastic sense of humour and my date was entertained and amused by this! - My date asked if the $50 was my Dowry.... haha - Grateful for my date too!


Looking forward to this coming weekend!

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My son's speech therapist. I don't precisely know how they are doing it, but there has been a significant change in his speech and patterns. His OT noticed it right off the bat. She said, oh my god, so many good words and used spontaneously! And I've been listening to him more closely, and yes...There's a difference.


Another thing that probably drives most parents batty, but makes my heart swell considering he never did it - We were sitting and playing with play-doh. He was making "smoothies" with play doh pressed into logs and sticking them in the play doh container. And he starts tugging on my arm going "mommy! mommy! look, look. Mommy!!!!!" and didn't relent until I looked.


He never showed me what he was doing before. He didn't engage me like that before.

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My son's speech therapist. I don't precisely know how they are doing it, but there has been a significant change in his speech and patterns. His OT noticed it right off the bat. She said, oh my god, so many good words and used spontaneously! And I've been listening to him more closely, and yes...There's a difference.


Another thing that probably drives most parents batty, but makes my heart swell considering he never did it - We were sitting and playing with play-doh. He was making "smoothies" with play doh pressed into logs and sticking them in the play doh container. And he starts tugging on my arm going "mommy! mommy! look, look. Mommy!!!!!" and didn't relent until I looked.


He never showed me what he was doing before. He didn't engage me like that before.

Your heart just blows up with love when you get that interaction. ❤️

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Grateful that i was blessed with great parents, grandparents and a great brother . Even though we have our fair share of fights I do acknowledge that many people didn't /don't have good parents nor a happy childhood .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today a coworker approached me with a quick hitter in front of everyone saying I did something wrong, and before I had a chance to retort, she ran off back to her desk. I was pissed. It turned out I was right and she was wrong, but the manager sitting across from me could tell I was angry and told me a funny story when I got back from grabbing water.


Thanks for being a bro.

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My belly looks slimmer today. I've started to eat healthier since january but a weekend away made bloated. I'm glad to see my belly shrunk since last monday!


My new 'diet' starts with a smoothie every morning and it's giving me so much energy and leaves me less hungry throughout the whole day! I'm super glad that something so easy to do (making a smoothie) creates such a positive change.

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