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What are you grateful for today?


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Aw, Liefde. I hope many more go that way for you. >


I'm grateful for patches of blue in the sky, which has been generally overcast for days. What would be really great is if it cleared up altogether, so I could see some of the Leonids tomorrow morning, but I am not counting on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't get a chance to post yesterday, on Thanksgiving.


Grateful for the safety of my family and my friends.


That I had a place to eat Thanksgiving dinner.


A lucrative evening at work.




The first really chilly days of the year in South Texas.

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I work in a pharmacy. At work today a woman brought in the tubing to her CPAP machine. It was kind of hard to understand her and she just started plopping the tubing down on the counter and at first we were confused why. Luckily she came at a time when it wasn't super busy so I took her into the side room to help figure out what the deal was. I wasn't sure I'd actually be able to help because I don't have much experience with CPAP machines; I thought she had brought in the whole machine & it was malfunctioning or something. After a minute I realized a couple plastic pieces are supposed to snap together & they had just come undone. Her hands were too shaky to click them back together herself. It only took a minute to figure out how to fix it, but she was so grateful she gave me a big hug.


It seemed small but it felt good to be able to make a difference for someone like that. It was easy but if she couldn't get it back together she wouldn't be able to breath while sleeping. It's kind of gratifying to have a job where you feel like you make a difference and can actually help people!

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As always my son, my family and my soon to be family. My job, hopefully opec doing something about the price of oil. That this hitch is almost over, gettin my dad to meet me down here in Louisianna to go duck huntin one morning. That we've got 100-150 head of doves hanging around the house that we are going to hunt next Saturday, that when I get home to Kentucky we've had a big push o ducks. At one duck blind we have 300-400 head using that hole at another hole 60 miles away we have another 4-500 using there and on a creek we have 150 or so woodies, green wing teal and a few dozen mallards

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My nephew called and left me a message to tell me he did his project at pre-school. (I always tell him to do his project because next year in kindergarten in won't be optional)


I returned his call even though there was no one picking up at my parents' and said I was proud of him. And that since he did his work we could play Batman on PS4 when I see him next.


It was a good thing to hear while at my desk. Made me smile and made the day less stressful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so grateful for this relationship I'm in, and how much I've already learned from it about what I need out of a relationship. As soon as I really began to know this guy, and we were properly dating, it was just like "Ohhh. So this is how it's supposed to be." I don't know how I got so lucky to land this one, but I am really grateful for each and every day that I have with him.

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