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What are you grateful for today?


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Im sort of proud of myself for not smoking a cig in a week. I used e-cigarette instead and my lung health seems to have improved only after a couple days. I will continue smoking. I should have never started but if I can taper off and also save tons of money in the process. Cool. I was up to two packs a day two years ago. Quite an improvement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The guy at the fast food place I occasionally get a coffee from. Their drive through box doesn't usually work, so he's often standing outside taking orders. Sometimes he calls me amigo and always smiles when he sees me. Today it was raining and he was inside, and he said, "Heeey, how are you?" and smiled.


I would hire that dude if I were a hiring manager. He has a contagious positive attitude.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The sweet song of coyotes calling to each other in the night. It's such a beautiful, eerie music. I know they steal my chickens and upset the dogs, probably leer at the cats through the windows scaring them, but then there's that haunting music at night. They howled and called to each other last night for a couple of hours and I just laid there listening to them, smiling and happy.


I love living in a place where I'm the visitor, the coyote and mountain lion and bob cat in their largesse allow me to exist here side by side with them. And yes, it's dangerous, but you get that anywhere. I've been able to watch mountain lion cubs and bob cats at play (through binoculars at a safe distance, but still) and count the coyotes lining a hill at dusk. Where else would I get that experience.


Lord I love the Southwest.

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Ain't nothin better than sittin in my stand right at dusky dark and hearing them get tuned up.


Right now I'm grateful that we have pretty weather, it's slick calm out here. That I've only got another 8 days left on the boat, that I'll get to see my son when I get off here, that I'll get to drive my lifted Chevy Silverado 2500, that after my weekend w/ my son I'll get to head home to see my fiancé and her kids and all my friends. In 14 days I'll be sittin about 30' up a big ol White Oak tree overlooking an oak flat about 5 acres that's loaded w/ White oak acorns. Mathews hung up on my left w/ an Easton Axis 340 tipped w/ a Muzzy Trocar nocked to the string ready to go, rattlin horns on my right and a grunt around my neck. Waitin on Flier to make his move.

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