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What are you grateful for today?


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Mine too. I'm going out right now to plant some new perennials


oh I need to see your garden and I need toshow you mine ..mygarden saves me soul I am sure of it ..I am out everynight till dark , making something new ..and I have just made a last payment for a summerhouse ..took me a year to save for it ..my garden is like fairy land

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I vote for Pippy and Faraday both posting pics of their glorious gardens, so that my brown thumb and I may live vicariously through them!


hahaah spotti


I would love to show you all ..I upcycle and make my own stuff , my garden is full ..but I cant load pics , no matter how small I make them ..maybe one eve when we are all online , I will have some ready and put one at a time on my profile pic hahaha or add me on FB ...pippy longstocking ..cant miss me ..fur coat and no knickers hahaha



and I love love love looking at others gardens ..

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i'm 100% anxiety-free today (this is unheard of with me lol), have no racing thoughts, my ruthless inner critic must be on strike and i think i had a peerfectly normal night's sleep. this here is just way too normal for me. but it feels niceee

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  • 2 weeks later...

My son, my family, my job, my gf and her kids, my truck, boat, Polaris, my guns, bows, being able to have known my family, being able to go live the life I have chosen. Being able to hunt, and being able to match wits with an old warrior of a whitetail buck deer I've named Flier.

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Beautiful post, Trae. Sounds like you're doing much better than when last I saw you on here.


Today I was faced with a situation in which old Spotti would have become jealous and insecure. But new Spotti handled it with aplomb, didn't lose sight of what mattered, and didn't psych herself into a place that would have hurt the relationship. I am grateful for the work I've done and the growth I've undergone, to get to this new place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That my brother is happily married ----- just got off the phone with him. He married in Nov of last year, for the first time at age 55. His birthday is this coming weekend and he said "We are living the dream....so very fortunate".

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need to shift my focus:

Thankful for my friends, who without them right now I'd be wandering the streets. .

Saw a good friend last night, leaving work early to go out on a duffy boat tonight under the full moon with 8 fun ladies, wine and assorted munchies.

Beach party tomorrow.

Onward and upward!

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Lobster and champagne on a boat at a seaside shack with good friends.

A cold pool to chill my sunburn.

An attentive bf to make me laugh.


hmmph really woman ...


well I beat that ..I had a sausage sandwich and a pot of tea ,considered putting the heating on cos this is the UK *sigh* and downloaded some porn ....




mhowe ..sounds WONDERFUL .... you enjoy

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That my brother is happily married ----- just got off the phone with him. He married in Nov of last year, for the first time at age 55. His birthday is this coming weekend and he said "We are living the dream....so very fortunate".


I'm grateful to you for posting that. Hearing about someone finding that kind of happiness at 55 is inspiring.

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