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What are you grateful for today?


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Today, I am grateful for my family. Especially my sister and her family because they travelled many hours by plane to be here for Mother's Day. I am also grateful for good health.



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I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful for my wonderful husband and my equally wonderful son. I am grateful for the fact my mom pushed me so hard or I would not be alive today. I am grateful for having my mom. I am grateful for therapy that allowed me to enjoy my life on a much grander scale than previously.

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I am grateful for the french toast and turkey sausage I had this morning not upsetting my tummy.


And thankful for the new little buddy my son made that lives about a block away, I really want him socializing as early as possible. He is coming over with his mom today to play on the slide in the yard.

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I am grateful for


the lovely lunch with my best friend and talking about our cultures

being creative

being able to dance

my sister sharing her pain with me

friends doing little favours to helping me get where I want to get


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Funny. When I saw this thread title, I specifically clicked on it with the intention of saying today I am grateful for the rain!


Also, today, for my brother. For my friend. For the fact that even though yesterday, and today too, my heart has been hurting really raw, I carry with me now a sense that everything will be ok. For a long time in my life, I didn't. Now I know, I feel it.


Grateful to have work! Have heard of so many bankruptcies, people losing their jobs, people struggling. Grateful to be healthy and able to work. To have some skills that make me employable, and enough of them that are in essential services to give me some recession proofing. And I'm grateful to have a healthy brain and curiosity to be able to keep on learning.


And I am grateful to have tonight my nice big comfy bed, with clean sheets, and my cat, and to be lucky enough to live in a place where I am one person and have so much space for myself. I love my place. I love the tranquility of it. It's especially beautiful and home with the gentle rain to lull me to sleep.

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Today I am grateful


for talking to my best friend and the freedom of expression and understanding I receive. My life would have been half lived without him.

for my session with the young person

for the time off I have had

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Today I am grateful for Springtime: Warmer days, heading out the door with just my indoor clothes (no boots, no hat, no mittens), windows open day & night, bird activity, open water, longer daylight hours, wildflowers in bloom, garden beginning to sprout, greening up everywhere!

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Today, I am grateful for the lovely weather which permitted me to run in the park


For fruit cups with chamoy


For the luxury of watching three Game of Thrones episodes in a row (been saving them up)


For my partner's hand engulfing mine

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I'm grateful my laundry is all done. I'm grateful my dad (who had a cardiac scare Monday) is healthy! I'm grateful for all the fun and interesting stories he told me as a kid and that he continues to tell engaging, wonderful stories to his grandchildren.

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Today I am grateful for


buying new outfits

for those two youngsters giving piggy back to each other and laughing at the street

for speaking my mother tongue to my friend

listening to music and dancing

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I am grateful for my community.


There was a... Social justice issues that I brought out about, a part that they were ignoring for people like me. The reaction I got was... Puzzling to me, as they were doing the same tactic I would have expected them to analyze on since it's very "pot calling kettle black." (I'm doing my best to keep this vague.) But... Unexpectedly, my own community saw what I did and supported me. Well. Don't I feel right at home.


Also, for my other new friend who is so incredibly generous and kind... Thank you, too. I'm definitely repaying your kindness with a free meal in a restaurant. I just felt I needed to show my appreciation because unfortunately, this is not something I'm used to. I'm cleaning house with my friendship, so to speak, to make room for friends like this. Now I have friends like this... I am glad and I like to show my appreciation. It may not seem like a big deal but it is for me.

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